Flosstube #173 - A finish, a start, new linen colours and Lilly’s sampler

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It did my heart good to see her again. Until today, our sun had been missing in action for days. Sunday was no exception. There is something incredibly cheerful about our little girl’s color choices. They warm the heart and soul 😊.

If you had ordered 100 meters of framing material I wouldn’t have batted an eye. These are unusual times. Thank you for being our calm in the storm this year. If COVID had hit pre-HATS . . . well, let’s not think about that 😂. Enjoy your week.


I’m using the gorgeous Foxtail Millet for “Agnes Husband”. So beautiful! And feels like I’m stitching on butter!! I’ve got the linen for “Lilly” on order from Jucas! ❤️


Amelia is beautiful and can’t wait to see the frame you pick. The colors for the new sampler are beautiful. I can’t wait to stitch Lilly. You are so right about dogs keeping you going. We had snow last week and our Bentley LOVES the snow to the point we have to make him come in. We even spell the word Walk around here but he looks forward to his walks every day, it teaches us how the simple things in life brings great joy. Take care and be safe.


I’m so excited about the Lilly sampler!! I adopted a dog this year and named her Lilly with 2 Ls and think I will stitch it for her to commemorate her adoption year!! Thanks!!
Plus I plan to adapt the Jane Fiddes dog to look like her!!


Thank you Nicola, a joy to listen to as always and I loved hearing about the new samplers and their historical links. So inspired to improve my stitching to a level that I can stitch these beauties and do them the justice they deserve. Have added so many to my list to complete one day - so so inspiring! 💕I would love to learn more about lacing the samplers - is there a site you could recommend? Bertie and Hugo are so perfect - absolutely adore following their progress and beautiful companionship❤️🎄


Thank you Nicola for your video🥰.. so recognizable to see Bertie and little Hugo, we have to dachshund and they also do everything together.., sleeping eating, walking .., so nice for both of them♥️


Amy Fisher is beautiful and I look forward to her release! The sampler that is a future release is gorgeous! Thanks for sharing Bertie-Boo and Hugo!! They are such a joy to see. Stay safe and happy stitching.


Nicola, Lovely to see you again, your videos always cheer me up, & without a doubt Bertie Boo, & Hugo warm my heart♥️🤗
I love seeing them .... you & Hubby are so blessed to have them, you both exude so much love for them..♥️
A good friend in Europe has shared the same concerns about foods, supplies, &
gas, it’s a tough time for all.
In my state we are being restricted by curfews, & still @ grocers no more than
45 @ a time, we wait in cue outside...
Shelves are still sparse . Just today
I went Fedex instead of the Post office
& it wasn’t so crowded. And we are having huge issues with USPS mail
arriving within given times, delays are
a problem.
All in all we have had much, to Count Our Blessings from.
Looking forward to getting a few PDFs
My youngest Son gave me a printer 🖨
Now I need colors of ink... as I want
the charts in full color :-)
BTW your hair is lovely ..
I wish I could get Lakeside Linen
here, it’s very limited. Colors were
Hope you didn’t get to damp in your walk.. my boy 🐕 hates walking in the
rain ☔️.
Blessings ~ Nicola
Hugs to precious Bertie Boo ♥️&
Precious Hugo ♥️


Stay strong, God has not left you, psalm 91. Praying for you 🙏🙏🙏🙏 Merry Christmas 🎄🎄❤️❤️❤️


The colors on Amy's sampler are beautiful. Thank you so much for all your research on these wonderful samplers. Such history in one piece of fabric. Take care things will get better! Pat Hugo and Bertie Boo for all of us following them. Thanks for the pictures of your furbabies!


Thank you for the information on Lilly. It's so nice to learn about the sampler stitcher. I love seeing your boys together. I have my two girls, Rudy and Bernie who fill my house with love too, so I know exactly what you mean when you say that. Thanks for all you do.


Oh, those two pups! Adorable! I don’t know what I’d do without my Gryffindor Hufflepuff “Gryffin” English Cream Golden Retriever. Dogs are love. 🥰 Thank you for your lovely videos, as always. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


please forgive my ignorance on this question. I am just really getting started with cross stitching. But, I have loved samplers from a child. The stores near me only sell stitching that has printed pictures on the canvas. But I do not like those much. I see you showing threads, but these look like something I would use on a sewing machine. How fine are the threads that you are using. How would it be compared with sewing threads, or are they in fact the same? I love. all your work.


What type of magnification do you use in order to stitch on the higher count linen? I am 67 and have been using my 3.25 reading glasses, but it just isn’t enough.


Thank you for another wonderful flosstube! I love the history of these little stitchers. The dogs are a joy to see.


Thanks for sharing....crazy on the ordering...what and amazing pair ...to sweet for words....so, lucky to have a sweet, loving dogs...


Loved your video. Anxious to see what the new chart will be with just 4 colors. Ad interrupting your video about two-thirds way through is very distracting and interupts one thoughts. I hope for you sunshine tomorrow. Love the pics of Hugo playing with friends. Take care and keep stitching. Pat @craftyPaw


Can't wait to stitch Amy she is charming! When you stitch multi-colored alphabets like those Amy stitched, how do you end off your thread after each letter. Is there a way to hide an ending pin stitch or do you turn to the back and run the needle through the back of the stitches for each letter? Thanks Nicola, love seeing your videos and I have learned so much from them!


I am so intrigued now about the new chart. 🙂 I can’t wait to see it as I love the four colors. Stay safe during these turbulent times. My sister is a physician and I am hoping she will be able to get the vaccine quickly. Thankfully I have stitching to keep me in a happy mood. The puppies are so adorable. Bertie needed Hugo. 💕


So glad to see Bertie Boo and Hugo getting on so well.
Thank you for another video. I enjoy them very much.
Prayers being said for you and your family and fellow Brits during this difficult time with COVID and Brexit.
God bless.
