Energy Efficient and Healthy Buildings

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Interview with Mark Dewsbury

As our buildings are improving in energy efficiency, good envelope design is as important as it has ever been. For a successful holistic design there is a host of items that designers need to consider, that sometimes comes with tradeoffs. In this episode we're speaking to Mark Desbury a Lecturer of Architecture and Design at The University of Tasmania about:

- How our buildings have been improving over time,
- The tradeoffs between ventilation, durability and sustainabiltiy
- And best practice design strategies for holistic design

If you want to learn more about designing or building with timber, I recommend you go to the WoodSolutions Website and download the Technical Design Guides:

I recommend watching the WoodSolutions weekly webinars. Previous recordings can be found on the WoodSolutions website:

0:11 Intro
2:05 What are some unintended consequences when we insulate our buildings?
5:07 What are the solutions in the world for ventilation?
15:14 How can we design to avoid mould?
26:26 Does price effect standards?
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