Tequila Day – July 24th

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What is today? National Tequila Day is celebrated annually on July 24th in the United States. This day is dedicated to honoring and enjoying tequila, a distilled alcoholic beverage made from the blue agave plant, primarily in the area surrounding the city of Tequila in the Mexican state of Jalisco. The celebration often includes various activities such as tequila tastings, cocktail creations, and events at bars and restaurants.




Pre-Hispanic Origins

Pre-Columbian Period: Indigenous peoples of Mexico, particularly the Aztecs, were known to produce a fermented beverage from the agave plant called pulque. This milky, slightly alcoholic drink was central to various religious and social rituals.

Spanish Conquest

16th Century: When Spanish conquistadors arrived in Mexico, they began to distill pulque to create a stronger spirit. The Spanish introduced distillation techniques, leading to the creation of what we now know as tequila.

Birth of Tequila

1700s: The town of Tequila in the state of Jalisco became the center of tequila production. The Cuervo family received the first official license to commercially produce tequila in 1758.

1800s: The Sauza family followed in the footsteps of the Cuervo family, establishing their own distillery in 1873 and further promoting the spirit.

Modern Era

1940s: Tequila gained international recognition, particularly in the United States, where it became associated with Mexican culture and cuisine.

1974: The Mexican government declared tequila as an appellation of origin product, meaning that true tequila could only be produced in specific regions of Mexico, primarily in Jalisco.

Cultural Significance

Today: Tequila is a symbol of Mexican heritage and pride. It is enjoyed worldwide in various forms, from shots and cocktails to sipping tequilas that are aged and savored like fine whiskey.

Production Process

Harvesting: Agave plants take 7-10 years to mature. Once ready, the piñas (the heart of the agave plant) are harvested.

Cooking: The piñas are cooked to convert the complex carbohydrates into fermentable sugars.

Extraction: The cooked agave is crushed to extract the sweet juice, known as aguamiel.

Fermentation: The juice is fermented, converting the sugars into alcohol.
Distillation: The fermented liquid is distilled, typically twice, to produce a clear spirit.

Aging: Depending on the type of tequila, the spirit may be aged in oak barrels for varying periods.

Types of Tequila

Blanco (Silver): Unaged or aged for less than two months.

Reposado: Aged between two months and one year.

Añejo: Aged between one and three years.

Extra Añejo: Aged for more than three years.





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