Building Soil Fertility with Fall & Winter Cover Crops/Green Manures

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Cover crops, or green manures, have become a very important part of our low cost and sustainable soil fertility program. In late summer we plant a variety of cold hardy legumes, along with cayuse oats. These crops fix nitrogen in the soil for future crops and provide organic matter for the soil. And the fixed nitrogen helps make it possible for us to get great results without having to purchase nitrogen fertilizers.

OYR is all about growing a lot of food on a little land using sustainable organic methods, while keeping costs and labor at a minimum. Emphasis is placed on improving soil quality with compost, mulch, and compost tea. No store-bought fertilizers, soil amendments, pesticides, compost activators, etc. are used.

Featured Video:

Improve Soil Fertility with Leaves: Leaf Mold, Leaf Mulch, Leaf Compost

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7 years later this is still really helpful. Thank you! I'm zone 6 and I think I will be using exactly this mix. Thank you!


The temperature has finally dropped and the fall rains started in Texas.  The rye used here is much smaller then the grains I saw in Virginia.  I was able to purchase elbon rye from a supplier right here in Texas.  I went thru several other suppliers before I could find seeds I knew would be adapted to the peculiar climate of Central Texas I am growing only in self watering containers as I am still water poor having only a max storage of 900 gallons.  I am using rye, blackeyed peas and anazasi beans to reclaim a portion of land on my north side.  I used a native seeds mix in seed balls and found it really didn't have enough soil to grow on. Thanks to your suggestions I have been encorporating large amounts of expresso and other coffee grounds in my soil.  The biggest problem is getting them to pack them in small enough bags that I don't strain my muscles.  Nice to that they are pre moistened.
My compost is not true compost but more a worm-grub-blackfly processed material.  I am short on greens{or even browns) for true composting. It seems to be working though not as well as your gardens.   On to the Fall crops, its been said in Austin the only fallow season is the middle of summer when everythig burns up!


Great video Patrick. The importance of replenishing the soil in some way each year cannot be overstated.


I love the idea of cover crops. Always great to give back to the soil.


I'm still learning from you! Thanks for all your videos. They are very helpful.


Feels so right. We're doing buckwheat now for the bees next spring. The alfalfa is doing pretty well from last year and we gathered seed from the crimson clover. Great video- I love how you have footage of the dead cover crops from the winter. 


Beautifully done Patrick, as always! I know I told you before, but I'm really glad you and a few of my friends are there to explain all those things, great job!


Nice mix of cover crops for building soil. Thanks for sharing.


Fantastic episode on cover crops !! Mine survived our first frost and are trucking away. I should be able to get a good 6-8 weeks of growth before the bitter zone 3 takes them out.

I have been patiently waiting for the leafs to drop so I can start collecting them to mulch my garden with !

I love how you pop out from behind the sunchokes at the end. They a re monsters !


Thanks for posting the links to the products your using! Cover cropping is something I don't know a lot about but would like to incorporate into our Fall garden prep.


Looks like a great start to next seasons garden Patrick..
Cheers sir.. 


Awesome work. Very pleased to watch your videos


yeah am hoping of starting my first ever cover crop this fall. I'll be trying crimson clover and then plant in it when it breaks down next year I'm guessing. Thanks a bunch for the video and take care.

Joe in Tx


This is really great to know Patrick! I was giving my main archway garden a rest this year because it was nonorganic and that's why I constructed raised beds this year to grow totally organic. I read somewhere in order to be 100% organic you have to let your soil rest for a few years. Anyways, it is my dormant garden just sitting growing lots of weeds that we chop and drop. Maybe I could plant a cover crop instead at least it will look much prettier. Thanks again for this awesome tip. Peaches


Great stuff Patrick short sweet and full of info. Nice ;-)


Thanks for the link for cover crop seeds and inoculant. I will let you know how it all goes.


Excellent info Patrick. Thanks for Sharing


Thanks for the info, just ordered the mix and inoculant


Your seed mixture sounds like a winner for growing cover crops that will feed your soil all winter.  Where did you get your seeds?


Very good info, Patrick! I really need to give my beds a much deserved winter break, but it's really hard to do : )
