Nicky Hockly for Techno CLIL for EVO 2017
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Nicky Hockly is Director of Pedagogy of The Consultants-E, an award-winning online training and development organisation. She has worked in the field of English Language Teaching since 1987, is an international plenary speaker, and gives workshops and training courses for teachers all over the world. Nicky writes regular columns on technology for teachers in ETP (English Teaching Professional) magazine, and in the ELTJ (English Language Teaching Journal). She has also written several prize-winning methodology books about new technologies in language teaching, many of them with co-author Gavin Dudeney. The latest of these books are Focus on Learning Technologies (2016), and ETpedia Technology (forthcoming 2017). She is a member of the Oxford University Press ELT Expert Advisory Panel, a Consultant for the Cambridge English Teacher platform (Cambridge University Press), and is a member of the NILE Advisory Panel, as well as being a member of the TESOL Journal Advisory Board. Nicky lives in Barcelona, and is a technophobe turned technophile.