Proses Baik Pulih Boot kereta Wira. Painting & Anti Rust Save Budget

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👆VA waterbase antirust paint primer
👆Xtraseal epoxy putty
00:00 Pengenalan boot kereta Wira
00:32 Beli barang
01:34 Kemas boot kereta & tanggalkan pelekat
01:50 Bersihkan kotoran kasar & karat dengan berus dawai
03:33 Ketuk bahagian tepi lubang supaya tidak terbonjol
03:56 Cuci boot kereta dengan air & sabun
06:36 tampal lubang lantai boot dengan epoxy putty
08:47 Spray dinding boot kereta
09:28 Cat lantai boot kereta dengan cat antirust painting 1st layer & 2nd layer
13:37 Penutup
Proses Kerja baik pulih @ refurbish boot @ bonet belakang kereta Proton Wira selepas membuka kot NGV.
00:00 Introduction to the car boot of the Wira
00:32 Buy materials
01:34 Clean the car boot & remove the stickers
01:50 Clean dirt and rust using a wire brush
03:33 Hammer the edges of the hole to prevent bulging
03:56 Wash the car boot with water & soap
06:36 Patch the boot floor hole with epoxy putty
08:47 Spray the car boot walls
09:28 Paint the boot floor with anti-rust paint (1st layer & 2nd layer)
13:37 End
Repair/Refurbishment process of the Proton Wira car boot (rear bonnet) after removing the NGV tank.
1. Pembersihan & cuci
2. Tampal lubang
3. Spray dinding dalam boot
4. Cat anti karat lantai boot
1. Clean & wash
2. Patch the hole
3. spray the inside wall of the boot
4. Apply anti-rust paint on the boot floor
👆Xtraseal epoxy putty
00:00 Pengenalan boot kereta Wira
00:32 Beli barang
01:34 Kemas boot kereta & tanggalkan pelekat
01:50 Bersihkan kotoran kasar & karat dengan berus dawai
03:33 Ketuk bahagian tepi lubang supaya tidak terbonjol
03:56 Cuci boot kereta dengan air & sabun
06:36 tampal lubang lantai boot dengan epoxy putty
08:47 Spray dinding boot kereta
09:28 Cat lantai boot kereta dengan cat antirust painting 1st layer & 2nd layer
13:37 Penutup
Proses Kerja baik pulih @ refurbish boot @ bonet belakang kereta Proton Wira selepas membuka kot NGV.
00:00 Introduction to the car boot of the Wira
00:32 Buy materials
01:34 Clean the car boot & remove the stickers
01:50 Clean dirt and rust using a wire brush
03:33 Hammer the edges of the hole to prevent bulging
03:56 Wash the car boot with water & soap
06:36 Patch the boot floor hole with epoxy putty
08:47 Spray the car boot walls
09:28 Paint the boot floor with anti-rust paint (1st layer & 2nd layer)
13:37 End
Repair/Refurbishment process of the Proton Wira car boot (rear bonnet) after removing the NGV tank.
1. Pembersihan & cuci
2. Tampal lubang
3. Spray dinding dalam boot
4. Cat anti karat lantai boot
1. Clean & wash
2. Patch the hole
3. spray the inside wall of the boot
4. Apply anti-rust paint on the boot floor