Why King Robert Wouldn't Have Ordered The Death of Cersei's Children

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Did you know in the books Robert Baratheon was a big softie at heart? This short uses evidence from A Game of Thrones, A Clash of Kings, A Storm of Swords, A Feast for Crows, A Dance with Dragons and The Winds of Winter.

A Game of Thrones theory explained, prepare for The Winds of Winter release date with a theory video of George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire book series and something to think about while waiting for HBO's House of the Dragon Season 2.

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Cersei said so herself to Tyrion “he was a drunk fool, but even he didn’t enjoy cruelty”


No one would condemn him if he killed Joffrey. Except Cersei but that's Cersei lol.


My favorite "bros being bros" moment is Robert screaming he'll put Ned's head on a pike, and everyone, except Ned, is intimidated by that threat. Ned doesn't believe it for a second. Ned knowing Robert can say/make decisions in moments of anger but that's not the man he is when it's time to cool down.


Robert also may not have loved his children but he certainly liked Tommen and Marcella enough


“You raped her! You murdered her! You killed her children!"

P A I N. All my homies hate Tywin and the Mountain. 🗿


I'm kinda surprised ned couldn't see that robert wasn't a child killer, even they've literally been bestfriends since childhood. But then again, ned also though littlefinger finger was trust material. Honestly if he had just outright told robert about the incest, the children with cersei would be sent back to the rock in disgrace. Robert might bring one of his natural sons to be heir. All of Robert's real kids turned out fine, edric, gendry, mya and that other girl. Robert even wanted to raise some at court, I believe it was mya, but cersei threatened to harm them. She got a well deserved hit for that one, but the matter was dropped.


That was also Robert's weakness. He kept little finger, Varys, Pycell, and Janos Slynt all in positions of prominence: he should've listened to his brother Stannis and wiped that court clean. Robert isolating and ignoring his brothers was a huge mistake- the Baratheon dynasty would've continued strong. And worst, he treated Stannis the worst and in the end he's the one fighting against impossible odds to maintain the honor of House Baratheon, as head of the house as well.


"Robert was a drunken fool but he never enjoyed cruelty"


Didn’t have the stomach, some would say sticking a virtue of don’t hurt kids is braver than Tywin


I would advice him not to kill them and send them to Castelry Rock but Tywin has to give a debt relief to the crown.


In the ASOIAF universe, not being ok with child murder makes you one of the best people out there.


wasn't that also the reason why Jon Snow's origin was kept secret? Due to fear of Robert? Wow, imagine if Ned had had more faith in Robert's character, the entire story might have turned out differently.


You're forgetting the part where littlefinger or varys (I don't recall which) tells Ned that the only reason Robert hadn't ordered assassins to kill Dany and Vyseris was due to the tempering influence of Jon Arryn. You're also forgetting that Robert rewarded the Lannisters for their actions during the sack of kings landing by marrying Cersie and making her a queen. Assuming that Tywin simply thought that Robert didn't have the stomach for it is to completely misunderstand the character of Robert. Robert hated all Targaryans and wanted them all dead. He may have regretted it on his death bed, but if left to his own devices, he would have absolutely ordered all of these children


Tywin ordered the execution of Rhaegar’s children as a proof of loyalty to Robert. Because he waited to see who the winner would be at the battle of trident before choosing side.


I mean, he might have killed them. There’s really no precedent for this exact situation. It’s not like Elia Martell cheated on Robert and tricked him into raising not his children for their entire lives. Even if he hadn’t, they would certainly have been in danger if say, Stannis were named heir.


Ned’s idea that Robert would willingly murder children was based on Robert allegedly being happy that Rhaegars children were killed by the mountain, Robert hated Targaryens yes but he didn’t revel in the deaths of innocent children, he was relieved that there wouldn’t be a potential threat from any down the line and his refusal to condemn Tywin was more due to the fact that he had secured their victory, killed Aerys and he was to marry his daughter Cersei so he couldn’t exactly alienate the Lannisters, Ned should’ve told Robert first instead of giving Cersei the opportunity to steal the thrown and imprison him


I don't know about this argument. While Robert liked to think of himself as a good guy, he had a serious rage and capacity to hold a grudge, especially against someone who had wronged him (which is how he saw Rhaegar for stealing Lyanna). He had no personal issue with Viserys and Dany beyond transferred anger at their older brother - they were a threat to his crown but he didn't really care about being king which is why he didn't act sooner. Cersei's children would have been a walking reminder of a personal betrayal though.


In the show, both Dany and Viserys said they’d been running from Robert’s assassins their whole lives.


Robert had a BIG heart. He was a warrior, not a politician.


Maybe. But Robert also didn’t seem to be that broken up about the murders of Rhaegar’s wife and children. When Ned make his disgust and horror over the situation known to Robert, all Robert says back to Ned is, “I see no children, only dead dragons.” His hatred for Rhaegar made him willing to go to extreme lengths to satisfy his need for revenge.
