SwiftUI Basics Tutorial
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If you've enjoyed this video and want to learn more, here's a 15% off promo code for the full course:
This video is a compilation of the first 8 videos in my SwiftUI Fundamentals course as a free preview. In this set of videos we learn the basics of building your app with SwiftUI by creating the user interface for a standard weather app.
This project (and all projects in the course) use Xcode 12 and iOS 14.
In the full course we build 4 separate apps and focus heavily on passing data between views. I believe it's much easier to make your app LOOK how you want, however it's tricky to get your app to ACT how you want in SwiftUI. That's what we focus on in this course with @State, @Binding, @StateObject, @ObservableObject, @EnvironmentObject and more.
Course Link:
0:00 - Intro
0:33 - Course Overview
7:14 - Weather App Starts
19:47 - City Text in VStack
26:43 - SF Symbols
30:06 - Main VStack
37:37 - HStack of Days
51:07 - Button & Refactor
1:08:37 - @State & @Binding Basics
Link to my book - How I Became an iOS Developer:
My Twitter:
My Podcast - iOS Dev Discussions:
Book and learning recommendations that help out the channel if you decide to purchase (Affiliate Links):
Ray Wenderlich Books:
Ray Wenderlich Videos:
Paul Hudson's Hacking With Swift:
Donny Wals - Combine Framework:
Mark Moeyken’s SwiftUI Views:
Learn Advanced Swift Here:
#swift #softwaredeveloper #iosdeveloper
This video is a compilation of the first 8 videos in my SwiftUI Fundamentals course as a free preview. In this set of videos we learn the basics of building your app with SwiftUI by creating the user interface for a standard weather app.
This project (and all projects in the course) use Xcode 12 and iOS 14.
In the full course we build 4 separate apps and focus heavily on passing data between views. I believe it's much easier to make your app LOOK how you want, however it's tricky to get your app to ACT how you want in SwiftUI. That's what we focus on in this course with @State, @Binding, @StateObject, @ObservableObject, @EnvironmentObject and more.
Course Link:
0:00 - Intro
0:33 - Course Overview
7:14 - Weather App Starts
19:47 - City Text in VStack
26:43 - SF Symbols
30:06 - Main VStack
37:37 - HStack of Days
51:07 - Button & Refactor
1:08:37 - @State & @Binding Basics
Link to my book - How I Became an iOS Developer:
My Twitter:
My Podcast - iOS Dev Discussions:
Book and learning recommendations that help out the channel if you decide to purchase (Affiliate Links):
Ray Wenderlich Books:
Ray Wenderlich Videos:
Paul Hudson's Hacking With Swift:
Donny Wals - Combine Framework:
Mark Moeyken’s SwiftUI Views:
Learn Advanced Swift Here:
#swift #softwaredeveloper #iosdeveloper