Basic Principles of Game Designing Fundamentals - Foundation Part 2

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These blocks are minimum block which I need to consider to make my game and those are:
Character – playable or non playable
Exploration – player to explore the area to progress the game
Ability and Progression – Exploration helps player to gather ability and upgrades
Quests – a task or communication to the player to progress
User Interface – player to interact about the statistics and progression
Video Details:
00:00 Introduction
00:36 Characters
There are 2 types of characters to be considered in my game – main player and NPC (Non-paying) or AI. Each character have a unique style in terms of appearance and motion. Each character will have some sort of role to play, such as player character. It is the main character driven by the player, and it needs to overcome game challenges. The primary objectives of the player character is to drive the game to the end. Enemy or Companion characters are tasked or pre-programmed to stop or help the player to achieve the goal. Depending upon the role each character is animated and placed in the game.
Dialogue system makes any RPG game more interesting. A dialog system could be written text on the screen, or a voiceover played at a certain time.
Keeping the core fundamentals in mind my aim is to bring player to part of the game by creating a good communication stream and better visual experience – Appealing factor. So I decided to develop unique character animation for each player.
It's hard to design the player's character, as I don't know beforehand who is the player and their choice. Therefore, only option is left for me to make the quests more exciting and engaging, by making the scene realistic, explorable and interactable.
02:34 Exploration
After the character building, the first thing player is going to do is explore the game world. Game worlds take on a variety of shapes and sizes, and it is linear 'links in a chain', where the player progresses through scenes, and isn't allowed to move away from them. Players must progressively unlock maps after completing earlier maps. This approach help me to build the initial prototype and prepare the demo to taste the water about the right direction. However, exploration involves more than just moving around the map. An important part of exploration is how interactive the world is and how dynamic it feels such as puzzles, open doors and containers, turn lights and kill enemies, and so on. The world feels much more real than a world that only allows player to interact with a limited number of quest objects. Similarly, a world with dynamic weather, a realistic day/night cycle, moving water, realistic plants and animals and all other appropriate ambient noises will feel much more alive and inviting.
03:59 Ability and Progression
The variations of game design are tremendous, so one of the key elements of any RPG is character development or progression. If the character doesn't change between the time, it start and the progression, then the game will become boring. Character progression can take on a variety of forms, typically, the player can view their character's attributes, things like strength, intelligence, agility, health, stamina, etc. Game also allow players to control things like skill progression, either by allowing to use any skill and progress by using it or by providing a set of skills bundled in a class and then allowing to choose perk trees. It means, an inventory system to consider to keep track of player’s progression such as skill points, abilities, weapons, food, heath, stamina and so on. Such abilities player will be using to overcome challenges or upgrades. Now question is how to guide player to gather such abilities with the progression. It means exploration needs motivation, which results ability and progression. Motivation are driven by the Quests.
05:11 Quests
Most RPGs have some sort of quest or mission mechanic that gives character a reason to get out and explore the world, gain experience using skills, accumulate wealth, and make an impact on the game world.
In short, a quest is the process to gather ability and build the progression of the character and the game
Therefore, it is important to break the whole story in multiple quests.
Quests are 2 types – main quest and side quests
Every quests leads players to explore more about the environment.
06:25 User Interface
The most common user interface tools are
Inventory System
Quest Journal
Skill Tree
On screen tracker such as objectives, minimap with route
Character sheet
Weapon stats
Many more
06:48 Conclusion
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