Canon EOS RP Review 1 Year Later

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I have a review of the Canon EOS RP today. It's been a year since I've had the RP and have been using this camera nearly every day for a year.

The Canon RP is perhaps the best value camera on the market. And, I've been using it as one of my main cameras for over a year. So, I thought it was time to give it a full review. Obviously, most photographers seem to review cameras right after they hit the market and those reviews are little more than listing of spec sheets. But, after using the EOS RP for over a year, I feel like I can give it a proper explanation and the review it deserves.
In my opinion, it might be the best value camera you can buy in 2020. It really is a great camera for the buck.
There will be more photography vlogs coming this week. So, stay tuned!

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Happy RP’s owner here 🙋‍♂️ Specially since I bought the battery grip


An RP sensor cover trick I found is to turn on the “clean sensor now” in the menu. After the third vibration the shutter comes down. Immediately turn off the power. Now the sensor is covered.


You know... I clearly remember a conversation with you and Mike Perea on the difference between a "pro" and "hobby" photographer is the ability to blow on your lens or sensor and not spit on it :) I laughed out loud when you did this and simply had to comment this time. Glad you're getting back out there man. It's good to see you in better spirits.


I bought an 80D last year, and stuck a battery grip on it, and took it all over and did landscape photography with it and loved it. This was a significant upgrade over my Rebel SL1.
Then later on I saw an open-box RP for $850 with the EF mount adapter and I could not pass it up. I *love* the EVF and focus peaking. The more I use the RP the more I like it, and my poor 80D is just sitting in a bag waiting to be sold off now.
The EOS RP's specs aren't sexy, but It's got it where it counts. It handles and performs really well, the picture quality is great, and It's a terrific value, too... $900 for a refurbished body from canon. I don't know how you could do better in a sub-$1000 full frame body.


Hang on a second Brendan, the RP does have a built in intervalometer. Settings -> Camera Tab -> page 6 -> interval timer


This is the best review I’ve seen on the RP! I bought the RP right when it came out and I bought the R a few months later. I fully agree with you about dropping the R before the RP from my line up whenever I upgrade again. The onlyyyy time I ever grab the R instead of the RP is when I need C Log. Other than that, the RP gives me a more streamlined work flow (physical mode dial!) in a smaller lighter cheaper package.


Got the RP about a month ago and I couldn’t be any happier it was between the 6D and RP but I think eventually mirrorless is the future in my opinion. Thank you for the review.


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Thanks for the review. I have a 6D and would like to change to the RF-system. The RP seems to be a really nice camera in that price range.


Thank you SO MUCH for this review. I just bought an RP and am using it w/ a 25-105 USM and imho it takes beautiful pictures. I am fairly new to this, and the reviews were VERY mixed so far. (Had to decide between Sony A7II and Canon RP) Cheers!


I'm leaning towards the RP, I use it for portraits, travel, and some video.


I’ve bought the RP just a few weeks ago. Finally decided to retire my 50D…
I am more than happy to have this little camera, it does all I need.


I have also had mine for about a year. Moved up from the 70D and chose the RP over the 6DII so I could get access to the lovely RF glass. I have been very happy with it, primarily for landscape photography, but also so easy to carry for travel images with the 24-105 f/4 lens. Only negative for me is the relatively weak low-light (higher ISO) performance. If I go R5/R6 in the next year, I would probably keep this for backup and for travel.


it does have an intervalometer built-in go to the menu under manual mode and go to the 6 th menu and right there on the first selection


Grateful for this review I have been on the fence about getting the RP, but didn't know how it would take Natural/travel photos (All the reviews I had seen before this one were mostly wedding where the background was blurry) So its good to know that i could use it for travel as well!


Great review! Bought this a month ago and am really happy with it. I just shoot stills and the results I've gotten with the RF 24-105 are amazing and also a really great walk-around/travel set up!


As a person strongly considering getting the RP, I'm glad that the shortcomings are around everything I won't be using it for. Thank you for this insightful video


Patiently waiting to see the full specs on the R5 as definitely interested in switching from the 5div. Good review of the RP and hope you are getting out and about more now BvS


Thanks for the videos im currently debating between the canon Rp and m6 mark ii and this really changed my perspective on this camera. Thank you


Nice to see a real life review. Not only a spec sheet. I got the RP a year ago as a travel/hiking/landscape camera and a backup to my 5D IV. I like it so much that I barely touch my 5D anymore unless I need more fps. I am looking to get the 15-35 f2.8 to replace my 16-35 f4 and Rokinon 14 f2.8 for astro. With the 24-105 f4 and the coming 100-500, I will be able to cover 15-500 mm with 3 lenses for hiking/landscape/travel. On DR, I watch many landscape YT channels. Sony shooters still use bracketing, exposure blending with luminosity masks.
