The ill-fated Dalek War Fleet

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The Daleks assembled a massive fleet in the finale of Doctor Who: Flux, only for the entire fleet to be wiped out by a Sontaran stratagem. What impact will this have on the Daleks in the future?

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I think Russel will use this as the reason why the Dalek's will be absent for a few seasons. Due to this loss the Dalek's need to rebuild their forces after the destruction of their Dalek war fleet and so many Daleks.


Great video. The Cyberfleet appeared to be led by a Cyberleader and Cyber lieutenant. The taller Cyberman had a voice similar to John Lumic's Cyber Controller. Both Cybermen weilded rifles unlike other Cyber Warriors.


That whole scenario with the Dalek-Cyberman-Sontaran pact was a lot of fun. And Flux was definitely my favorite season out of the Whittaker era.


I really like the concept of the Daleks forming alliances with the Cybermen. I weirdly compare it to alliances being formed in Stellaris or RISK, since there's always the chance of immediate betrayal, but they're familiar with each other enough to expect like it's another day at the office.


Can't help but wonder how the Flux will be treated in future stories. I mean... a massive chunk of the universe got wiped out and... that's it'? Then again, the same thing happened in Logopolis and that's rarely mentioned.


Happy new year, See the way I took it, was that in eve of the the daleks, there is a line where Dan tells the doctor she needs a rest as they have spent the last week or so putting as much of the universe back together, so for me this explains how there is still a Dalek command and how after flux people seem very unaffected by the flux. also I am sure in eve one of the executioner mentions that one of the war fleets was destroyed or I may have miss heard it.

So the daleks may have lost their largest fleet, if I am right it was one of them and the dalek race is pretty OK on the whole but suffered a set back like in genesis, if the leaks are to believed we will see them very soon.

Again for me, this line of dialogue in eve, also explains why the events of flux don't really seem to have effected many of the species. But wild blue yonder sort of un did some of that, but given the vast size of the universe I think the doctors comment of half may have been a figure of speech.


I hope we get a episode in which it's during the unseen Civil War between the Children of Davros and the New Dalek Paradigm like in the Pilot with the Movellans.


I think this is a prefect time to keep the Daleks off screen for a few series as they attempt to regroup and rebuild their forces I mean completely disappear from time and space and then to re-emerge in a new casting.


many plot holes created by just one showrunner. The Flux is a big source of them. Was really shocked that RTD decided to not retcon it immediately… well I suppose he did by just making it half the universe being destroyed.

Earth is now alone in the solar system because of the Flux but no-one will talk about that and its disastrous physical consequences. Russell needs a Big Bang episode now. Can’t blame this one on The Toymaker😂

Also Happy New Year Bumps!🎉


Really insightful as is the unusual on your excellent channel.


They're waiting in the dark spaces, waiting for the increased fx budget to reach them. Heck, even Davros got new legs.


While the Sontarans were smart, the Daleks will rebuild and survive and I can't see them taking this too well. Even if their strategy was good, they needed an outside event like the Flux to win. Might be a fun mini-series, the Dalek Invasion of Sontar? They already gave the Time Lords a good kicking for the events of Genesis, I doubt they'll take the Sontaran Stratgem too kindly.


I'm going to assume Skaro survived. Maybe they moved it in a similar way to what they did to the Earth in 'Stolen Earth' to avoid the flux? Maybe there wasn't time to get the War Fleet back to Skaro before it jumped so the Supreme / Emperor / Davros decided to go without them. Ultimatly I don't think it'll will matter in the long run. The Daleks seem to able to build new ships at an impressive rate.

If the Doctor's line about the Sontarans being responsible for the destruction of the fleet gets back to Skaro ... I wouldn't want to be the Sontarans.


The daleks have become to confusing after the paradigm was rejected by fans and essentially retconned by the showrunners, they have just been goons, or a vague threat that feels so much less grand than in their first few episodes of the revival. Im glad they are giving the daleks a break from the spotlight, hopefully they are back on form when they do return


Kinda tired of the Daleks turning up, shooting up the place, and then getting destroyed back to small numbers. I want to see them not be defeated at all far more often to given them the fearsom reputation that they now seem to lack.


It was scary and gorgeous in millions of ways.


That war fleet was probably just 1 of many War Fleets we don't know how many war fleets The daleks actually have I assume it was only a small setback for them and they will regain the initiative in time.
Perhaps in series 14/15 we will see their new and improved design, Daleks with Anti-Flux Dalekanium or something.


Hey there Mr Bumps, I really like your outro so I decided to make different versions of it using other actors saying don’t forget to subscribe but with your name instead


I don't understand why the flux story got so much hate. I thought it was excellent.


I'll never forgive that really poorly done CGI of the Daleks in the forest
