Saturn in Pisces until 2026 All 12 Signs #astrology #horoscope #crystallization

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00:00 Overview
16:36 Pisces
22:29 Aries
27:53 Cancer
32:59 Capricorn
38:03 Libra
45:20 Taurus
50:08 Leo
55:31 Scorpio
01:02:44 Aquarius
01:07:45 Virgo
01:14:26 Gemini
01:20:15 Sagittarius
01:27:33 Conclusion
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About to have my Saturn return, Saturn in Pisces. I feel completely different. Like I’m becoming the person I’m supposed to be. It feels like I’m being reborn without all of the societal conditioning.


My first Saturn return I got my dream job and I got married.
My second one will be next year at the end of Pisces.
Saturn opposite we started our business. I would say that it's the shaping of dreams.


I've never heard Saturn spoke of as the ability to crystallize. Amazing, as I feel humanity is literally being crystallized into a new species. Bring on Saturn in Pisces, the healing waters. 💙🙏💦


As a Pisces, I've been dreading this day for a long time. I realize I shouldn't, that it is a matter of rebelliousness on my part to grow up. And yet, any amount of restriction of a sign that clings to freedom, well, it will be difficult to accept. That's the way with me, anyways. This video has helped me see Saturn as a little less frightening. I'm not especially fond of the Cruel Tutor, but at times, I need to focus and crystalize. Thank you, Penny.


I was born with Saturn in the 5th, in Pisces, and this resonates at a deep level. I will be having my second Saturn return in a year or so...


Dear Penny,
Thank you for your very careful yet enlightening interpretation of the Saturn in Pisces constellation. Although I am critical of what Saturn can trigger in individual houses, as the interpretation seems too broad from a mundane perspective, I genuinely appreciate your cautious and non-judgmental approach to horoscope interpretation. As a hobby astrologer myself, I can closely follow what you mean by certain aspects, but I enjoy listening to you and find it delightful!


Finally found a good astrologer. Thank u so much


I'm a sagittarius rising. I have just moved from the UK to Florida.
I seriously hope things work out well 🙏🙏


Thank you so very much for all your wisdom x


I’m actually really exited about having Saturn in my first house. I am sun Pisces and ascendant Pisces.


Taurus rising + moon, Leo sun, quite surprised (at first) that you jump from Taurus to Leo, then saw that you follow the Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable road...Spot on in regards to "not being seen" in the group anymore. It almost happened overnight. Saturn in the 8th house, challenges? Or a well deserved pension fund starting to pay? Saturn as the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? Many ways to look at it. Not all doom and gloom with Saturn though.


Thank you for the explanations very clearly and on the point. I watched other astrologers but anyone did not give me such satisfaction about what is going on with the stars! Congratulations!


As always, complete genius. Thank you for bringing such clarity and precision to your analysis, Penny. As I approach my second Saturn return, I'll just quote Margo Channing in All About Eve: "Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy night"!


Dear Penny,
Thank you so very much for this magnificent video. I’ve now listend to it for the second time and, especially, not just my own sign but the ones of my family members too.
It’s just totally amazing how well and to the point you describe what’s going on in our lives without having ever met us. Thank you so very much for all you wisdom and insight you so readily and generously share. You’re a star ❤❤❤


Gemini s/r/v with Pisces moon in my 10th. I’m finishing my 2nd Saturn Return. I’m looking forward to a break in the intensity, despite my career house to light up. I have my own new business and am also trying to get rehired after 2nd layoff since 3/2020. It’s been insane!


Thankyou Penny and for all the hard work you've put into this. You have been honest and told it like it is. Its a bit like the strict Headmaster coming into the classroom. If we've done our homework we get the rewards if not we have to work a bit harder and playtime is off. 😀 im coing to the end of saturn return in my natal Aquarius and now moving into my Pisces sun. Feels like a double whammy but I tell you what its given me the structure I needed and the confidence to know who I am and to let go of a few things which no longer serve. I can't lie its been tough. so lets see what happens next.! Sending you love light and blessings 😇🙏


Libra Rising at 69 I just always wanted to help others but git hurt but now I can handle it. Bring it on!


Born at 6th May 1971 probably going through my second saturn as a lot of things that I haven't thought of, I don't know any thing about my sun, moon rising, juzt help me out on this


How very interesting and well explained. I'm now on my 2nd Saturn return and relationships have been a struggle to non existent since 2007/8 so it's fascinating to hear your words of wisdom even though a tad karmic/depressing. Thank you for always explaining so eloquently 🙏


What happened to my waist?? 😂 made me laugh!!
