Omkara — The Kirtan of God

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“The Kirtan of God” by Omkara , performed by Omkara (vocals) & Brahmdev (violin)

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Mooji Mala Music emanates from Heart Satsangs with Mooji. It is true soul music that uplifts the spirit and fills the heart with love and joy. Enjoy!

“The Kirtan of God” by Omkara was performed at the end of the Satsang with Mooji: “You Are the Stillness in the Midst of the Storm” on 12th April 2018 in Zmar, Portugal.

Mooji Mala Music is available on various platforms:

#omkara #moojimalamusic #moojimusic #kirtanofgod #omkaramooji #omkaramusic #omkarakirtan #omkarabhajan
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