Барак Обама (Barack Hussein Obama) - что стало и где сейчас

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Сейчас расскажем как Барак Обама живет сейчас!
President Barack Obama's best moments on camera
Obama forgets to salute
President Obama Meets With President-Elect Trump
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Barack Obama's final speech as president – video highlights
Барак Обама (Barack Hussein Obama) - что стало и где сейчас
President Obama's best speeches
The Early Show - Heckler to Obama: 'You are the Antichrist'
Uncovering Obama's Family: The Real Story Behind His Upbringing
President Obama Sings 'Sweet Home Chicago'
Barack Obama's Parents Had A Secret Marriage #obama #politicians #president
President Barack Obama Makes Surprise Visit
Барак Обама тролить Байдена 😂
Special message from President Obama
ENGLISH SPEECH | BARACK OBAMA: The People of India (English Subtitles)
Barack Obama raps Eminem's 'Lose Yourself' after rapper backs Harris at rally in Detr...
Best of Barack Obama on The Ellen Show
President Barack Obama: Between Two Ferns with Zach Galifianakis
44. Барак Обама 2009-2017 Barack Hussein Obama II
Обама в шоке от ведущего 😂 #ургант #shorts
President Obama Speaks at the General Assembly
President Obama Makes Historic Speech to America's Students - English subtitles
Barack Hussein Obama Biography
FUNNY STARS(СМЕШНЫЕ ЗВЁЗДЫ)-5. Барак Обама. Barack Hussein Obama II