Bring It On - Final Contest (1080p)

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The final contest for cheer-leading championship scene from movie "Bring It On". Absolutely energetic one.
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With so many positive comments on a 7-yr old dull video, thought I should at least add a high definition version now. Couldn't find better sound even in 5.1 AC3 source, so here's the best I could get.
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The thing I love about this movie is that in the end both groups won.

The Clovers were able to finally get their won after years of their routines being stolen and the Torros performed a routine that was entirely their own.


Being a former Cheerleader ill say this, The clovers win because they did more stunts and flips; which garner more points. Now the toros had the better dance routine but they didn't do as many stunts which means points they didn't get. It was probably close in points but like i said Clovers did more stunts which are worth more on points. The choreographer who made the routines most likely did this on purpose because the story line needed the Clovers to win; as redemption for all the years they got robbed. While toros are redeemed as well because it was the first routine that was original for them. So it makes sense point wise for the Clovers to win.


I love how there no clear protagonist or antagonist in this movie, it make the plot not cliche and I love it!


whoever directed this movie really was the right choice. such a guilty pleasure.


20 years later & I still have those routines memorized. This will always be one of my favorite movies


I remember when this movie first came out. Every cheerleader was at the movie theater


People here are analysing this like it’s an Actual competition and not a scene from the movie


These routines were absolutely immaculate and no real life NCA competitor has ever come close to this level of perfection.


I like that Torrance actually stopped using big red’s routines once she realised they were stolen to give the Clovers an actual shot at winning. Although, she knew it was a risky move, she shows that she did what had to be done.


Torros had better choreography, Clovers had a harder routine.


As someone who has done competitive cheer i can tell you that the clovers definitely would have won. The clovers had more complex aerobatic moves plus more complex stunts that are legally which would have given them more points then choreo, theres reason that most routines have entrie section dedicated to tumbling it gains a high point value. Yes the toros had better choreography and that would have given them a lot more points put their tumbling and stunt techniques (the area that gives u the big boy points) were lacking compared to the clovers plus if u watch the toros routine they had a drop at one points that causes deductions and they completed two stunts of an illegal move which would be heavy dedications. Completing and illegal move at a competion is essentially asking to lose because a lot of points will be deducted for those. To be honest even with the lack of choreo in the clovers routine their input of so much stunts n tumbling would have given them more than enough points to beat the toros routine


Not sure why, but the choreographics at 4:17
when they spin the cheerleaders into the air in a circle, ALWAYS gives me the chills.


Forever a classic. I could watch these routines on repeat so good.


Gabrielle Union needs to give her self more credit.. in her book she said she didn’t know a single cheer she just made it look like she did and she’s killing these moves


And Gabby Union and Kirsten still look the same. Just adore them both.


Even though i was going for the toros, i honestly think that the clovers did better. They put a lot more work into theirs and you can see the difference


I constantly have “bang bang choo choo train let me see you do yo thang” stuck in my head because of this scene


I liked the Torros routine better because it was more interesting in my opinion, and was more based on formations and different elements of movement and dance. However the Clovers had way more tumbling and stunts in their routine which is harder and worth higher scores so they definitely deserved to win.


This movie makes me incredibly happy you guys. I remember watching this on my grandma's crappy old TV and her plastic-covered furniture 20 years ago and thinking it was the best thing ever, I still feel that way decades later. :')


Being from a school that has won 17 national championships and now one world championship putting in hard work doesn't even half explain the discipline and dedication this sport and despite what some say it is a sport. The clovers did have a better routine because of more stunts and more risk. Hands down Torrance did what any respected Captain would do and I've seen squads have to learn a new routine quickly. It's not easy.
