SiPM: Operation, performance, and possible applications
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Modern SiPMs have much lower rates of dark counts and crosstalk, and almost non-existent afterpulsing. These characteristics and improved performance factors are progressively making the SiPM a detector of choice in an increasing number of applications, specifically flow cytometry, radiation monitoring, and automotive LiDAR.
This webinar reviews:
• Principles of operation
• Comparison between SiPMs and photomultiplier tubes (PMTs)
• Report on the latest performance characteristics
• Electronic detection circuits
• Possible applications in flow cytometry, radiation monitoring, and automotive time of flight LiDAR
Slawomir S. Piatek, Ph.D., is a senior university lecturer of physics at New Jersey Institute of Technology. In his role as science consultant at Hamamatsu Corporation, he has developed a photonics training program for engineers and is involved in popularizing SiPM as a novel photodetector by writing and lecturing about the device.
This presentation was originally webcast by Laser Focus World on January 10, 2018.
This webinar reviews:
• Principles of operation
• Comparison between SiPMs and photomultiplier tubes (PMTs)
• Report on the latest performance characteristics
• Electronic detection circuits
• Possible applications in flow cytometry, radiation monitoring, and automotive time of flight LiDAR
Slawomir S. Piatek, Ph.D., is a senior university lecturer of physics at New Jersey Institute of Technology. In his role as science consultant at Hamamatsu Corporation, he has developed a photonics training program for engineers and is involved in popularizing SiPM as a novel photodetector by writing and lecturing about the device.
This presentation was originally webcast by Laser Focus World on January 10, 2018.
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