How Long After a Head Injury Can Symptoms Occur?

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A concussion is a brain injury. Every brain injury is different. Because sometimes these symptoms of a brain injury are very subtle, the person who has the brain injury themselves don't even realize that they have a problem. It's their husband, it's their wife, it's their family, it's their employer who might realize that person is not just behaving the way they were, they're not the same. People with the brain injury might look fine. That's why brain injury is called an invisible injury.
Some of these symptoms might take hours, some might take days, some might take weeks to develop. Because each brain injury is different, each person will have different symptoms. Some may appear and some may disappear. What we're looking for are the physical, the cognitive, the emotional and behavioral changes that take place after a brain injury. When you retain the law firm of De Caro & Kaplen, you're retaining more than lawyers. You're retaining people who understand brain injury. They can help you navigate the problems and pitfalls surrounding a traumatic brain injury and weaknesses to you on your road to recovery.
Often times, those who bear the hardship of an accident assume no one’s at fault—they’re simply victims of fate. Hey, accidents just happen, right? Wrong!

De Caro & Kaplen, LLP proudly represents the interests of traumatic brain injury and bodily injury victims in the state of New York and beyond. With demonstrated success both in and out of the courtroom, our attorneys have the passion and persistence to take on the toughest personal injury claims—and win.

- Attorney Advertising. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome -
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We all are loved wether we have been changed drastically mentally and or physically. Keep your head up high and always remember theirs brighter days ahead and cherish all the great moments we got to enjoy in the passed 🤙🏾


after my mtbi jury was sent home and told to rest. By the 7th day I was losing my speech and vision. Took me five years to recover with speech and most of my memory came back. still have a hard time comprehension when reading and Math.


I hit my head SUPER hard on my mother's marble countertops. I was getting something out of a lower cupboard, and I completely forgot about the overhanging countertop...and just stood up. This happened about 3 years ago, and that spot on my head is still super tender sometimes. Sometimes it's fine, other times, I can't even brush my hair because it hurts too much. After the incident, I was in agony, had a migraine, and all I wanted to do was take painkillers and rock with my head in my hands in the dark. It never even occured to me to go to the hospital at the time. I feel like my family neglected to take care of me...because someone should have insisted on taking me to the ER after such a serious head injury. I'm fairly certain that I have a linear skull fracture, but I keep forgetting to mention it to my doctor.


My daughter fell back hit her head 2 years ago now she is angry all the time and isn’t the same person it is hard to live with her i hope one day it can be proven she has TBI


Got punched in the back of the head in 7th grade and blacked out for like 5 seconds i remember being way more enthusiastic about things before that. Now i cant tell if the person i am today is because of the trauma. Or invisible injury.


My symptoms occurred right after I had my brain injury. I injured my cerebellum. And it took me 2 months to relearn how to walk. I don't remember the accident. But I was told I got hit by a car that was doing about 60 mph and I flew up in the air on impact and landed on my head. I smacked my head off of the cars trunk on the way down and suffered traumatic brain injury . I am lucky to be alive. I don't remember anything that happened my own mother seen everything she told me what happened.


the changes are noticed, all right.
unfortunately, usually not well accepted.
jobs get lost, relationships rupture.
i lost everything .


I got attacked from the back in 10th grade by a guy who is 40kg over me. He exactly went near me and I didn't expect I would even get pushed a little bit. When he got behind me he punched me somewhere in the side of the head but more in the rear. My mind froze at a single point for 3-4 seconds and I stopped hearing for that moment. I don't know if its because everyone went shut or it was me. Then people say that i hit my head on the edge of the door and that he punched me a few times. I didn't fall on the floor because the moment I actually reliazed what was happening I was exactly at the door spot and he was trying to kick me but unsuccessfully. Then we went to the principals office and yhe people there were obviously rubbing salt on my head. My head felt like a balloon and I was so nerveous that I wanted to rip his face off for what he did to me. The whole school washed their hands with the situation in front of the institutions and they tried to hide case that is very important. I'm usually a very active person. I go to gym 4x a week, 2x volleyball (organized, friendly) and in the weekends I would go play football or whatever kind of games outside. The doctor told me that I should stop every activity for atleast 20 days. Nothing should trigger the brain. On the 7th day I couldn't hold it anymore laying and grabbed my phone. Now I'm on the 20th day and I'm expecting to comeback at sports step by step and careful. I didn't notice any changes in my behaviour or any other symptons. God saved me! May our Lord protect us during our whole lives. We just got to believe it he was with me he will be with you if you believe in him.


I hit my head on concrete 20 years ago, still no better, can’t walk much or physically talk, it’s ruined my life.


i was having an episode and hit my head yesterday continously because of frustration now idk what to do bc it hurts so so so bad


I had an tumer on the front of my brain that got to the size of a human fist and had no Idea. My symtums were really subtle & almost unoticable. Luckally my family noticed the memory signs I couldn't notice myself because I was the one having them, & other signs other people who don't know me as well would have noticed. And my symtums escalated extremely quickly cuz didn't start to show untill they were killing me.

I went to the doctor and found out about it thinking it could have been something small so almost didnt go. My neurosurgen said If I would have waited even a few more days and not gotten all the treatment i needed I soon my brain would have swelled up & deffinatly would have died. Even with all the treatment and super fast time between descovery and surgery I still managed to go partially blind and other senses cognitive thing degraded extreamly quickly. I wen't nealrly completly blind _ deaf my the time the surgery came. I'm stll too blind to drive and things can be disorienting metally and visually, like movies, movies and tv arent the same now. But it's a whole lot better than being dead.


I'm 75 Kg Guy, who jumped into the swimming pool just to get direct hit on head! (Din mein taare Nazar aagayae) That swimming pool tiles man, it still hurts everytime I shake my head 😥🤕.


I feel like there’s something in my head and it’s not me.


I was diagnosed with hydrocephalus last year, this year in April I had an ETV which failed and which I was also readmitted and in HDU with cerebral salt wasting. In sep I had a VP shunt. They say I have LOVA hydrocephalus. But when I was 13 I fell off a horse whilst jumping. I still can’t remember this. I had concussion. I am 48 now.


ihave brain injury .. because whre having Trouble w my brother and i got injured suddenly i fell on the wall and this why i have some abnormalities isue... 10 years ago and i have not finish my study because ive stop and crazy at that othe words out of my mind it so hard for me to make a decision in life all my work and actions are very complicated😢😢😢🎉🎉😢feeling hopless ...and changing mooddsss..😢😢


I dived onto concrete and crackedy skull in two places, .for years I had water in my forehead which eventually went down. 45 years later I have bouts of basic stupidity like forgetting what a cow was etc, .very strange


I have injury induced tinnitus And I'm suffering idk if I will acclimate


What happens someone hits you in the head constantly.


I was on a school holiday when i was about 12 13 got hit in the back of head by a large pole. I was in a small boat with a sail only 2 man in sea an capsized as they pulled the main bar up it slip out the persons hand and i drifted in the way and hit on the back of head. I remember being pulled aboard the raft who organised it and sitting with head in lap. When got to beach was asked by others if ok. I thought i was fine they said they tried to speak to me but was unresponsive. I had a lump no cut, thought nothing of it. Then it went bald. I still have that bald spot today and the lump over 20yrs later at the time i was going through change in family arrangements plus teenage problems. I was falling asleep wkends midday jumping up thinking im late for papers. My dad asked if i took drugs. Never got an explanation. And i struggle mentally know. So im unsure what effect being hit thst way that causes bald spot but no break of skin has on someone. A split, a stab, slice etc but a wack then that spots bald. I think its a skull fracture but they didnt bother looking at.


My sister met with 8yrs back road accident now her position was not able to walk properly, not able to open eyes properly most of the time sleepy eyes only. Every ction become slow. Any suggestions for improvements
