Longlegs - Movie Review

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Maika Monroe stars in this tension fueled FBI Manhunt thriller. Here's my review of LONGLEGS

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This movie is the most Nic cage with the least Nic cage possible. The most efficient Nic cage ratio ever devised


I want a three part trilogy: Longlegs, Longerlegs, Longestlegs


That Nic Cage impression fucking killed me lmao


2:46 Jeremy really put his heart and soul into that impression and for that he has my respect.


Nic Cage is smashing it recently. He’s done banger after banger and I’m here for it.


Someone said Nicholas Cage looks like Jennifer Coolidge and I can’t unsee it


My favorite thing about this movie is it really leans into "the devils in the details" with all the background stuff


Jeremy Jahns, I'm glad you are still giving us movie reviews I remember like it was yesterday when I saw my brother watching you with a baby face and thinking you were Ray William Johnson.(my parents didn't want him watching Ray Lamooo) I love you man keep these movie reviews coming we will always watch them, man.


Man I just respect the hell out of your reviews. Other channels get into pretentious talk from their “experience” as “filmmakers” and they had me swayed in my later teens and early twenties in that naive cynicism if you get me. I’ve been watching your channel for over a decade now.
You get in, review the film and you do know your shit. No waffle no bs. Your rating system makes perfect sense too.

Props Jeremy!!


I completely agree about the ending. I didn't feel full after the risotto.. I think it was very intriguing and I was really excited for this one, but Brian Cox in Adaptation said it a long time ago. "Wow them in the end and you've got a hit." This didn't wow me and I was a little disappointed, but overall a pretty decent flick.


Although I was very intrigued at the start, I ultimately found the whole film predictable and disappointing. The acting and editing is phenomenal, but the script is filled with clunky exposition, unrealistic character choices, and very obvious reveals. An anti-climactic climax is the final nail in the coffin. The film boasts an intelligent mystery, and resolves it with a campy predictable outcome that feels like a first pass at the script. I'm glad many people seem to have enjoyed the film, I just was wondering if anyone else felt the same way I did? Or am I completely in the minority here?


I watched this movie literally today having never heard of it, but my dad bought tickets on a whim and I gotta say it was better than I thought! My favorite scene was the parallel between Lee and Longlegs with their respective driving scenes in the same car. Nic cage was genuinely insane in this and I gotta give him props because his character was who Jared Leto wants to be when he method acts. Like holy shit. The whole atmosphere really helped with the suspense, with all the open space and all. The trailers for other neon films while in the theater made me genuinely want to watch them, and that usually doesn’t happen. I can’t wait for Cuckoo to come out.


I would totally buy this on VHS if it came out on VHS


Although the story was ultimately a bit of a let down, this movie was an absolute EXPERIENCE to watch in theaters. The sound design and cinematography have certain elements of this film seared into my mind's eye. Fantastic cinema.


I can never hear the Happy Birthday song the same after seeing this movie


That nice cage impression had me in tears 😂😂😂


Wife and I enjoyed the film. The tense atmosphere was well crafted. Ending felt right to us, so YMMV.

It's a slow burn, so if that's not your cup of team and you're like the couple behind us conversing throughout the film (and not about the film) and flipping people off who told them to keep it down, I'd suggest bringing a coloring book for the dark, especially if you're the type that lacks self discipline or basic etiquette.


2:45 😂😂😂😂.... that's gonna be my new wake up alarm 😂


The nic cage impression was absolutely top tier i enjoyed that way to much😂😂😂😂


That Bill Clinton picture on the wall was huge. I think this film is meant to be in the same time and universe as Silence Of The Lambs, Twin Peaks or X-Files. PS Everyone is going to go on about Nick Cage who was weird and scary (Hannibal Lecter was scarier in my opinion) but Maika Monroe and Alicia Witt were phenomenal also. The whole cast really. I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a sequel. Great video!
