Can You Microwave Yourself?! (LATITY014)

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Below are my Super HUGE Patrons!

Sam Lutfi
Raphaël (River) Champeimont
Michael Lloyd

By: Mehdi Sadaghdar

0:00 Intro
0:18 Microwave Radiation Outside in the Open
5:07 Can a DC Motor be a Speaker?
6:40 Ground News (sponsor)
8:06 Memes and stuff!
8:49 Turning Gas Cooker with Capacitor/Static Discharge
10:03 A ton more memes and videos
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Seeing myself in an Electroboom video is so funny, glad you survived the microwave radiation too!


Microwaves at a frequency of 2.4 GHz penetrate about 10 mm into human tissue. This means that all the power is deposited in this tissue, and the heating is moderated by the blood flow. There are exceptions, however. If the eyeball receives power from microwaves, there is no blood flow in the eye to remove heat, and the full power is therefore deposited in the eye fluid. The eye fluid has the same properties as the white of an egg, i.e. it coagulates when heated. This effect is cumulative and not reversible.


Yes, Euro plug into UK socket is dangerous. Firstly the shutter mechanism in a UK socket is operated by the longer earth (ground) pin going in first. So in order to insert a Euro plug you have to defeat the shutter mechanism by inserting a foreign object into the earth hole.

Secondly, UK plugs have a fuse, Euro plugs do not. The fuse is there for a reason, sockets in the UK are commonly fed from a ring circuit on a 32A breaker, so the appliance cord needs a fuse. Other countries plugs typically don't have a fuse because the sockets are fed on radial circuits on a much smaller breaker.

And finally the UK socket just isn't designed to take a Euro plug, so there's no guarantee that the plug will make a.good contact with the socket, which can lead to high resistance or arcing


"Radiation is confirmed" sounded like a terminator (2:33)


Yes, Brazil (my home) has a lot of electric showers (almost every house has at least one) and, despite the jokes, they are really safe. In fact I never heard or seen any news with someone dying or getting hurt, except in extreme occasions where the shower was reaaaallyyyy wrongly installed and the home is a nest of work arounds, so the shower was one of the infinite dangerous situations.
And there is one more thing, in engineering standards and regulations GFCI (in Brazil is called DR) is mandatory in wet areas, like showers.
Not every house has an electric shower, some has solar heaters (as mine) or gas.


3:20 if only he screamed:“Exterminate!“


5:49 Hey Medhi, thanks for reviewing my post (The DC motor playing music one sticked to that yellow box), i really like it, this is the first time I've ever seen this

Edit: and also 11:20


I was a radio tech in the USAF, and it always makes me giggle when people get scared of microwave radiation. I'd be blasting myself with a 4, 000 watt antenna on the regular. And there are people who say they get sick when their WiFi router is on...


There is a unit used in hospitals to warm patients internals that actually uses microwaves. Of course the setup is carefully made and calibrated so it will not boil the patient. Older versions of this technique were called "diathermy machines" which used VHF radio waves to generate the warmth.


I remember waving a hand over the end of a waveguide during radar maintenance training back in the 1970s. You could feel a warmth coming out the end of the waveguide as you passed your hand over it. Someone left their hand in the beam too long, like ten seconds, and the hand turned red and swelled up for a couple of days. Lesson learned, don’t mess with a kilowatt power magnetron! Looking down an operating waveguide will give you cataracts and the 8kV power supply will kill you.


for the DC motor as a speaker, the part making the sound is the rotor, not the body, so it works way better if you restrain or put a paper cone on the rotor!

I used to make floppy drives and hard drives play music, and played around with DC motor speakers for a while. I also discovered some of the capacitors on my amplifier could play sound too if they were driving a heavy load.


One of the risks with microwave exposure at this level (10s of thousands of times more than mobile phones / wifi etc) is cornea / lens damage due to local heating as it does not have blood flow to carry away the heat. Damage of this type might not become apparent until the next day unless it is really extreme.


Electroboom and mr green guy are hilariously teaching me lots about what NOT to do in most of their videos....i love both of you guys.... collaboration a must


14:00 yes it wouldn't shock the person, but a shorted battery will heat up the piercing in seconds and burn them pretty hard. You can test it by shorting a battery with a paperclip, you can easily get it red hot


12:08 I'm sure you've already been tagged on a dozen platforms about it, but yes, the Superdana 60+ outlet power bar, that is a Photoshop by Nanoraptor, whose amazing edits have gone endlessly viral for decades now.


9:56 worst thing ever when you get your hand injured in a confined space lol


UK and Euro plug thing - we've been doing this kind of in Sri lanka for several years now with older appliances and electrical equipment, as the Government changed us over from round pin plugs to the UK square pin plug. The connectivity is fine, but the pins can get bent over time for equipment that you regularly plug and unplug - like chargers. But for something that's not going to be regularly removed and replugged (like a TV or DVD player), it's fine.


@11:06 in Malaysia, we use 3-pin UK plug as a standard, and all sockets use that 3-pin standard. However, there are numbers of appliances sold here, mostly imported ones, adopt the 2-pin EU standard. Most of newer extensions and wall sockets now are designed to have grooves on protective covers of neutral and live (hot in NA standard) terminals so that the EU plugs can be easily inserted into the UK sockets without adapters or putting in any non-conductive material into earth terminal to open the protective cover.


Glad you're still alive.

A friend once told me that he worries about you, I told him not to.

I hope we can trust you sir


Hello, as the son of an electronics engineer, I am now an electronics engineer myself. Most of the experiments my father did for me when I was a child, and it's really fascinating to me.
