Νέα σύλληψη για την υπόθεση της 12χρονης | Μέρα μεσημέρι με τη Μάριον 04/11/2022 | OPEN TV

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I am definitely OUTRAGED 😡 because at first there were Lawyers who were customers of the young girl 🤬 Who were they? The Police Officer who supposingly was arrested afterwards they said that he has VANISHED 🦨 he is Mixos friend a Public Employee 👎👎👎👎 What the HELL is going on ❓🤬😡😠 Mixos left his shop with a Priest a Government Official with the girl 🦨 It's obvious where they were heading to 🤬 Who was the Government person? Who was the Priest? Why is the Government always concealing EVIDENCE? In Lyniadies case there are other Government Officials involved which stinks like HELL 😡
