The Euthyphro Dilemma

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Objective morality relies on the existence of Santa Claus. It's objective because anyone can measure one's naughtyness or niceness based on how much coal they get in their stocking.


It's like the problem: could God create a rock so heavy that he couldn't lift it?

If yes, then that means he's not all powerful because he can't lift the rock

If no, then that means he's not all powerful because he can't create the rock


I dont know where this get morality from God comes from cause in the book of genesis adam and eve ate the fruit of knowledge about good and evil, so morality is already inherit in us. Its more the fact God helps people choose the good instead.

But slavery and putting kids to death seem to be morally good😅


Law came for sin to increase, so you would realize your need for a savior. Ask yourself is the law good? Most people say yes (it's good not to murder, it's good not to steal, etc). Now measure yourself next to it-do you measure up? All the time? If you do you don't need a savior, if you don't, you do... and we all do. But it's way more than getting morally clean and cleansing your conscience. It's that that God shaped hole inside our heart is something only God himself can fill. I'm sorry those bad things happened to you, people don't usually talk like this without being hurt badly in the past by something and someone


God does not change. It literally says that IN THE BIBLE.
