TEDxCaltech - Mark E. Davis - Nanomedicines: Nanobiotech v. Cancer

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Mark E. Davis is the Warren and Katharine Schlinger Professor of Chemical Engineering at Caltech and a member of the Experimental Therapeutics Program of the Comprehensive Cancer Center at the City of Hope.  He has over 350 scientific publications, two textbooks, and over 50 patents.  He is the recipient of numerous awards, and was the first engineer to win the NSF Alan T. Waterman Award. He was elected in the National Academy of Engineering in 1997 and the National Academy of Sciences in 2006. Mark's research efforts involve materials synthesis in two general areas; namely, solids that can be used for molecular recognition and catalysis, and polymers for the delivery of a broad range of therapeutics. He is the founder of two biotech companies. Professor Davis has achieved All American Status for Masters Track and Field in both the 400 Meter and 200 Meter Dashes.

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This is the coolest thing. I think I will go to grad school for nanobiotech now


Method for writing, deleting and storage of the binary information on a biological membrane
Vladimir Bobrov, Paul Bobrov, Larisa Panifedova
BioTopAgro, SIC., Belarus, Minsk
In conducted by us of experiment, we show, as on a biological membrane of cell
Chara australis it is possible to write, to read and to remove one bit of the binary
information.The storage time of this information depends on the factors of external environment in a solution (pollutants, chemicals and drugs).


Using the broad "cancer" term is actualy like calling malaria and HIV "flue".


What happened to your drug. You should have not sold it to these giant cooperations


so you're making synthetic foods and now synthetic humans? haha
