Cody Carnes - Run To The Father (Live at Motion Conference)

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Official Live Video for “Run To The Father” by Cody Carnes at Motion Conference.




I’ve carried a burden for too long on my own
I wasn’t created to bear it alone
I hear Your invitation
To let it all go
I see it now
I’m laying it down
I know that I need You

I run to the Father
I fall into grace
I’m done with the hiding
No reason to wait
My heart needs a surgeon
My soul needs a friend
So I’ll run to the Father
Again and again
And again and again

You saw my condition
Had a plan from the start
Your Son for redemption
The price for my heart
I don’t have a context
For that kind of love
I don’t understand
I can’t comprehend
All I know is I need You

My heart has been in Your sights
Long before my first breath
Running into Your arms
Is running to life from death
I feel this rush deep in my chest
Your mercy is calling out
Just as I am You pull me in
I know I need You now

Cody Carnes is a worship leader and songwriter whose passion is to create a meeting place for God and people with music. He spends most of his time traveling and leading worship with his wife Kari Jobe Carnes. The couple has cowritten numerous songs together including "Closer To Your Heart," "The Garden" and "Lover Of My Soul" from her album The Garden and "Let The Heavens Open" from her album Majestic. Cody also wrote "The Cross Has The Final Word" - a hopeful, declarative anthem about the overcoming power of Jesus' name. His debut album, The Darker The Night / The Brighter The Morning released September 2017 with Capitol Christian Music Group.
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There are some moments in worship that are truly unforgettable. This video was filmed during a moment I’ll never forget. This song celebrates the grace that never runs out and recognizes the freedom and security that’s found in the arms of the Father.


I am a ex-satanist and I got baptized yesterday i now play guitar for my chruch thankyou jesus thank you god for saving me from a life of darkness


Ex-atheist, proud to be a Christian and to serve the Lord. God is good ❤


I was saved at 24 and am now 61. Had many fun years of ministry. Recently however my wife of 25 years divorced me. I have deeply grieved over this for over a year now. This song has been so timely as the weight of loneliness and despair of life has been ongoing. I have taken this song with me into my garage and sobbed it out with the Fathers love thru Jesus. I hope one day to be able to stand again and continue with Gods calling


I was homeless, got into drugs, went into prisons, then i got to know Jesus, He changed my life.. Now i have a home, a wife, a lovely daughter and a new identity... A child of God.. Hallelujah


I had an abusive father, so the concept of a Heavenly Father was hard for me to grasp! But I thank God I have been healed from my past and I traded my earthly father for my Heavenly One. He said He would never leave me nor forsake me!! I am His child!! Thank you, Jesus!!


I’m sitting here at the darkest darkest time of my life battling with crippling OCD panic attacks anxiety depression I’m at the last of my days mentally I been hearing this song on repeat while writing in my journal to the lord. I give my self to the father. I hope one day I can come back to this song and give my testimony on how I ran to the father and never looked back. I want to be saved


Four years ago I was diagnosed with stage 4 kidney cancer. Today, I’m alive and cancer free, serving Him. He is truly the God of a million miracles. Thank you Jesus! I love you.


I grew up without a dad and was told that I was a son of the devil because I wasn’t allowed membership in a church. As any kid would, I reasoned God loved everyone except me. Boy I was so wrong. I was in God’s sight all along! I’m now a babtized Christian and this song hits home!


I was saved at 23 and I’m 25 and I’m the drummer for church. My dad is a pastor and I grew up with Christianity but, i was being like a hypocrite and I knew Jesus was calling me but I just didn’t do His Will I did mine and then when I was dramatically saved I was like Lord I want you and only you and I know Your Way is better forgive me for my selfishness I was at church camp just balling crying out and He saved me. And I was so joyful.c before Christ I was hopeless, miserable and times I wanted to commit suicide and now I’m just grateful to be alive. I know He has a calling on my life. I almost died at birth and the Lord saved me from brain damage, liver failure. Being on full life support in icu for 3 months dad cried out to God on the beach for me in Galveston and dad had people praying for me all over and friends in Europe prayed and God healed me. Now I’m normal and I graduated high school and I’ve memorized 4 books of the Bible and I’m just eternally thankful. Being musically talented for Jesus is a blessing and there’s a story about that but, another time. Lord bless anyone who reads this. Amen. God is good and Jesus is alive and He saves.


I was an atheist, then I became a Christian after a powerful encounter with The Living God!!
I am doing this song on guitar with our Worship team this coming Sunday. I’m so excited!


Whoever read this comment, pry for me please😭 and I’ll pray for you all I promise, I’m a last year medical student about to do my finals, and I need father’s help🥺🙏🏻


I was a drug dealer and did a lot of year in prison because of it but I found the lord and prison was my bible school praise the lord


I was caught in the grips of a meth addiction almost 18 years I walked with all things of the world. I got clean and sober almost two years ago, and although I was raised in a Christian home and I knew the teachings of Jesus Christ. I was reborn in Christ three months ago. I listened to this song every single day of my life. It brings me to my knees in praise to the The King. It is a beautiful reminder, daily Jesus I need you, There is nothing I can do without Jesus and this song just opens my spirit, to run to him. Gos is so very good


On my way to the Hospital to give birth to my baby I asked my Husband to play this song. During the birth I was so nervous and I started singing this song throughout the caesarean and I felt God’s presence. My Son is turning 5 months this months and this is his bedtime story. Whenever his crying or restless I sing this song to him and he calms down 🥹God is Good


I just got diagnosed with colon cancer, I'm 31. I'm scheduled for surgery on Tuesday and I heard this song on the radio. I now have it on repeat pretty well all day. There is so much joy, peace and faith found in this song. Thank you Cody


I was saved 2 months ago from 6 years of heavy witchcraft new age spiritual practices. Jesus you are my lord and savior. Praise God Hallelujah! 🙏🏻❤️‍🔥


I love reading through the comments, it just brings joy to my heart knowing that other people love Jesus as I do.


It does not matter what you are going through, run to the beautiful arms of our heavenly father.


Im at a lake alone. Playing this on my Bose speaker, hands lifted high. Thank you for this masterpiece of praise. ❤
