The violet flame EXPLAINED | Episode 1

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What is this magical violet flame we hear so much about? And what is the scoop on how to actually use it to transform our lives, clean up our negative karma (finally!) and help heal the planet? You’ll find out here!

Violet flame: Alchemy for Personal Change

Images source:
violet flame, causal body, Saint Germain, earth in violet flame. Used with permission from the Summit Lighthouse at TSL encyclopedia:

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I was laying in bed with my eyes closed & I had a vision of a violet flame. It came right up to me & touched me. When it touched me, my body immediately started radiating with bliss. I am so thankful to have had this experience. Thank you for the video.


I was a chela on the path as a Keeper of the Flame at Boston teaching center in the 1980s. I have most decrees memorized to this day. Nice to see on u tube for in our days we had no internet. Violet fire thy love divine blaze within this hear of mine. Love the Violet flame and you can feel it flowing.


I am the Violet flame in action in me now. I am the Violet flame to light alone I bow. I am the Violet flame in mighty cosmic power, I am the light of God shining every hour. I am the Violet Flame blazing like the Sun, I am God's sacred power freeing Everyone. I say this mantra often.


I see the violet flame everytime I close my eyes to go to sleep... Sometimes it grows and turns into shadows or just waves of purple covering me... I always thought/felt it was my ancestors and protectors comforting me...❤❤❤


This is the best video I found to explain to a new bee what is the Violet Flame.
Thank you so much for this. 🙏🏻


The violet flame must be patt of our spiritual life. Lets spread the word. I have found amazing results. That childlike innocence. I play with a 2 yr old and i am 65. The stress has left, just feel the angelic presence all around. Thank you. Love and light.


I just took a salt bath & meditated at 1st I was in the dark then violet lights started to form in front of me then grew to surround me. I became so overwhelmed I began to cry.. I felt as if I was touched by an angel. Now I just feel exhausted. I've dreamt of the flame many times. Until less than an hour ago I knew nothing about this. And that is how I found your lovely video. Thank you for the information 💜


I am the violet consuming flame; blazing up, in, around, and through me, and through me world....I am the cosmic blue lightning of cosmic purity; expanding through the points of light in the cells of the water element in my body....I am the cosmic flame of cosmic love; blessing every element inside me with its authority of perfection...


my first exposure to violet flame...i'll be involved in a group experience of it this weekend with a group of women...lovely talk, like your vibe. thanks


Red to blue 7 Rays+1 = Purple ... Purple is a esoteric high order colour, Indigo, Violet, Sapphire and Amethyst are all high order colours. Indigo(Shiva) and Violet(Shakti) produce Amethyst, and/or, White. Indigo/Blue and Pink(Ruby Ray) produce Violet. Violet is the higher frequency of Yellow. Yellow of Mercury, Violet of Uranus. There are lots of other combinations of vibrational frequency. ...


Once as I was going about my business, I suddenly "saw" with my third eye sight, and FELT very palpably, a flame of violet fire flickering right before me about midway between my heart and my eyes. The most astonishing thing was it felt sentient/alive/conscious and seemed to be communicating with me. It was empowering me as I felt a huge boost of strength, excitement and resolve to go ahead and create my healing classes I was thinking to do.


I searched violet flame last night from a comment on Facebook and watched+ this morning I listed a guided meditation on my morning routine that you have here, went for a run and did 15 km and can you believe most flowers I admired and asked for their beauty were violet 😍😍😍this is not a coincidence 🎉🎉🎉


I loved how informative yet exciting this video, I also loved as a Muslim, islam being included when you mentioned the religions or belief systems in some part, thank you 🙌🏻💜


I repeated the affirmation and felt tingly.


I just wondered if anyone else sees the violet flame? I recently started seeing it surrounding objects etc. I didn’t really know anything about it but I do now!😊It is definitely clearing out my old and deeply buried trauma!! Really enjoyed the video and I’m going to buy the book!😊


Thank you. I know nothing about the violet flame. But I had an experience in a guided meditation class…and a real violet flame came down in a bath into the top of my head as my minds eye opened into what appeared as a forest like place. It was beautiful. I was able to have it for a few days before it left. I’ve been searching & longing for it since (it’s been years now). I asked my teacher of that meditation (it was a second degree reiki class, I was dealing with cancer then & had difficulty focusing on anything)…but she was unable to “give it to me again”. So I’ve been stuck..perhaps this will enlighten me. Thank you for a sweet sincere presentation.


Thank you
Vibrating waves of Violet Light and Unconditional Love for you and everyone tuning in
May We all be blessed with the Supreme Love and Truth of the Cosmos 💜🌍🌞🌝🪄🗝️🌹


So... funny story. A few years back now, I heard clear as day the phrase burnt violet. No one was around, just myself, but it was clear as day. I wrote it down and it always stuck with me. I could never really find much information about this. All I ever found was a small description that referenced Oracles. Some time later, I don't recall how I learned of the violet flame, but when I did was like but still not a ton of info out there about it, so I get my information in bits and pieces. Fast forward to today, as I sit here and work on my business (Burnt Violet Astrology & Tarot) and I stumble upon this, it all makes sense to me now. Your insight is greatly appreciated! My purpose is to burn away the negativity of the world and I do it through Astrology and through Tarot using the violet flame. I help to heal and make people aware of their truest potential.


When I first started meditating & doing my protection bubble everyone suggested white light but I clearly felt seen to use violet/purple 💜🌟


I've listened to this video 4x now... and I was deeply moved each time. So much Gratitude Amanda💜💫💜💫💜💫💜
