Bachmann G Scale 10 Wheeler Rebuild

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This arrived as a bag of bits apparently only needing a new worm gear. In the event, it had a bag of other problems, some arising from the fact that the parts came from at least two and possibly more different versions of this model, some from Bachmann's legendary rubbish powertrain design, and some from missing parts. After trying new gears and a stiffener for the chassis, I gave up and made a whole new gearbox. I also had to make new pick ups as the originals were missing. There's a link to the finished model to prove it worked. In the comments below I'll add the links to the Tinkercad files so that you can adapt them for whatever version of Bachmann's abomination you have.
Not shown in the video is that I swapped the back axle for the middle one, the latter having the splines mid axle, and I also made a dimple in the axle to take the gear's locating screw - it is now properly locked in place.
Not shown in the video is that I swapped the back axle for the middle one, the latter having the splines mid axle, and I also made a dimple in the axle to take the gear's locating screw - it is now properly locked in place.
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