Jau 6dien Bikerniekos- 10.09.2011 NEZ PRO drifts

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10. septembrī Biķerniekos pirmo reizi notiks viens no lielākajiem Pro drifta pasākumiem Latvijā -- Ziemeļeiropas Zonas drifta čempionāts. Savu dalību sacensībām pieteikuši vairāki sportisti no Somijas, Zviedrijas, Lietuvas, Igaunijas, Norvēģijas u.c. Tik sīvas drifta cīņas vēl nebūsiet redzējuši, jo pirmo reizi Latvijā balvu fonds ir 10'000$, kurus pirmo 3 vietu ieguvēji sadalīs savā starpā.

Un protams, jāpiemin, ka šis būs noslēdzošais posms PRO klasei Latvijas čempionātā.

Organizatori sola spraigas cīņas, skatītāju ērtībai- ekrānu, un vēl daudz pārsteigumus, kā arī parādi pa Rīgas ielām.


First race in history -- North European Zone (NEZ) drift cup in Riga, 10th of September

On 10th of September the first North European Zone drift cup will take place in Riga, Latvia (track Bikernieki). This race is unique - this is the first time that all North European Zone countries have come together to organize one event. The participation is confirmed by many drivers from Finland (as Juha Rintanen and many more), Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and there are more drivers from Norway and Iceland expected. Also first time in history the money prize in cash 10'000USD will be spread among the podium winners -- what will make the battles even tougher.

At the same time, at least 17 drivers from Latvia will be fighting for the name of Latvian drift champion as well, as this will be the last event of Latvian drift championship. Finally we will see the first Latvian drift champion Gvido Elksnis and his preceding competitor Ervins Ērglis -- both of them have not been battling in Latvia this season.

For the convinience of spectators the organizers promises video screen, the parade of participants in the streets of Riga and above all -- best drift action possible.

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