Real Men Get Vasectomies! #shorts

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A vasectomy is a much less invasive operation than a tubal ligation. Long term use of birth control pills aren’t the ideal, either. Kudos to the men who get the snip snip so their partners don’t have to!
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For everybody in the comment section: VASECTOMY DOESN'T REMOVE THE TESTICLES


After giving birth to our twin daughters, I didn't even need to ask my husband to get a vasectomy. He said my body had been through enough, and he organised one all on his own. Which was pretty impressive for a guy who usually can't find his undies.


My grandfather got one and I never knew him but I always admired that fact about him, because even at his time it was uncommon. He cooked and cleaned and bought the groceries for the house as my grandmother was a doctor too, he played guitar and one time even, had stitched back my mom’s wound as she had used his medical cutting tool to play with, he did not even scold her, just told her she was a brave girl for not crying and that she was going to be a strong woman. He was a Chinese born renowned dentist in the 60s and got killed in the Cambodian genocide by the khmer rouge regime. RIP.


My husband did this so I did not have to get a tubal or take pills. I felt very important to


I love seeing a man take control of his own fertility too. 😊


Hubby would not get one because it hurts. He also would not wear condoms because of claim that he can't maintain stamina with one on, and claims it feels better without.
We are divorced now after years of me being on birth control.


Nothing wrong with that mine literally took 15 minutes and I was out of there the female surgery is way to hard on the woman


Okay now do a short on side effects of birth control


Wow I bet there are many guys out there crossing their legs saying “ no one is going to touch my boys”. Unlike the tubal ligation a vasectomy can be reversed if the man’s situation changes. Usually with higher success rate to be fertile again. Vasectomy is something a man should consider if he cares anything about his wife’s health. For her it is major surgery and leaves scars or many years of pills that doctors still do not know all the long term effects of. Really guys it is a no brainer. For guys it is local anesthetic and little to no down time. Scars if any are small and let’s face it well hidden. Think about it guys.


My libido is only half what it was after my vasectomy. I don't have morning erections anymore. If I come two or three days in a row I get pain in my epididymis at night or sometimes immediately after ejaculation, Probably because my sperm is building up and the pressure can't go anywhere. When I work I feel muscle spasms in my groin all the time. Vasectomy has made me feel depressed and 10 years older in one year. Beware of this procedure. The outcome depends on the individual, some men react very badly to it. And i think the more sexually active you were before, the worse the backlash is. For me it was the worst decision of my life.


Hubby got one 6 months after our last baby was born, that was 8 years ago. But in Quebec it's almost the norm, 1 in 3 men above 50 has had a vasectomy in Quebec. It was this way way back when my own father got one over 30 years ago. All our friends and family members who are done having babies have gone through with having a vasectomy if they are in a stable committed relationship.


Hes not the man. There are health risks and especially the fact that it isn’t always reversible.


My partner got a vasectomy and it really made my sx drive go through the roof. I had an unwanted pregnancy in my teens and the whole circumstances were pretty traumatic to me. Didnt realize how much it kept me from feeling safe until now. We are loving our lifes now, and being intimate now is only between and for us two.


No one is born cool, execpt of coures "men Who gets a vasectomy"


Got it done 2 days ago . Was on the table for less than 15 min and almost no pain .


I just realized, girls forcing guys to have vasectomies is like men telling women they can’t have abortions (I saw a lot of comments saying stuff like “all men need to do this” or “this should be mandatory”) like apparently my body my choice doesn’t apply to guys


From the bottom of my heart, thank you men.


I love how people comment here as if it is nothing.

This is not a 15 minute cut and done for everyone, so people need to stop speaking like it is.

People here saying women have child birth and that hurts more, so shut up. Actually it doesn't hurt a lot of women, it didn't hurt the mother of my kids including her first child and didn't hurt some of out friends.

My vasectomy did hurt. It was a lot longer than 15 minutes and it felt like being kicked in the balls repeatedly for about 45 minutes. I had to have repeated injections because the pain didn't reduce regardless of how many I was given.

I got an infection which the doctors twice decided was swelling. That was until it looked like a 3rd bollock twice the size of the other two and I could barely walk and they had me back in hospital and I had to stay over night and lost about 4 days pay when I couldn't work.

Lets then add some more realities like pain during sex, after sex and in daily life. I have regular pain since my operation which was around 3, or 4 years ago now. I've had to pull off road driving a few times because the pain just came out of nowhere when driving at 70mph.

So yes as with a lot of men, no longer with the woman that pressured me in to getting it done and stuck with a lot of pain and a reduction in quality of sex life, all because she didn't like the smell of condoms.

When the woman that pesters you to get it done in the first place decides sex isn't important anymore, that's great too. Let's not forget that bit.

Then on to the thing that also doesn't get mentioned, didn't affect me but did others I know. The man who's missus packs up and leaves and take the kids with her because she went a bit off the rails and decided to use the kids against the father. She runs off miles away with her toy boy, makes contact with the kids as difficult as possible but has already made damn sure he can't have anymore.

You might turn round and say it's reversible but this guy also had the same problems as me. Would you save up £1000's to go for an non guaranteed operation that is a more difficult version of something that totally knackered you up first time round?

I'm not saying don't get a vasectomy, I'm just saying don't believe all this 15 minutes in and out. For many it is like that but there are also many it is not like that for and unfortunately doctors only tell you how the easy ones go.

Some people do feel less of a man after having it done.

I was not at any point led to believe it would be the most painful 40 minutes of my life. I was white as a sheet and ready to pass out when I left the room.

I was not led to believe it would negatively impact my sex life forever.

I was not led to believe that I would get on going recurring pain.

I was not informed of psychological problems of fear of having no family when your woman turns psycho and fucks off with your kids in her midlife crisis.

Would I recommend it. No. Would a very large proportion of my friends recommend it. Yes. Just don't take the decision lightly.


My husband didn't want one and searched up about ligation and stuff and he said he rather get the vasectomy instead of me go thru more pain after labor.
