Growing an Urban Berry Patch | Blueberries, Huckleberries, Lingonberries, Goji, Seabuckthorn

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Am I able to grow a huckleberry? Watch to find out. The community garden plot I was assigned to steward last year came with five blueberry plants, added over the last few years. I decided to expand it by adding a mountain huckleberry (vaccinium membranaceum), oval-leaf bilberry (vaccinium ovalifolium), lingonberry (vaccinium vitis-idaea), goji berry (Lycia barbarum), and three seabuckthorn (hippophae rhamnoides) last winter and a cranberry (vaccinium macrocarpon), pink lemonade blueberry (vaccinium virgatum), gooseberry (ribes uva-crispa), and three haskap (lonicera caerulea) so far this winter. See last year's progress and how my woodland mulch and berry plants performed.

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Пишу по-русски, извините. Надеюсь, что внизу появится кнопка с автопереводом. Хорошее начало. Облепихе нужен опылитель, это двудомное растение. У них есть мальчики и девочки. Для 3-4 девочек нужен хоть один мальчик. Лесной опад хорош для голубики, черники, брусники и клюквы, возможно, подойдёт для малины. Не думаю, что крыжовнику это понравится, это закислит почву. Ещё в подобных системах рекомендуют лох многоцветковый и кизил. Удачи! У Вас всё получится!


Hey neighbor, I’m also in Tacoma. I have several berries myself, though I can’t take credit. The garden was here when I bought my house, it’s a big part of why I bought it. It is still very young and I am just learning how to take care of it all. This is a really cool project, I look forward to more videos. I’d also love to check out your project, I love seeing other people’s gardens and could talk plants all day lol.


Super excited to follow this, my partner and I are commercial foragers and huckleberry season is our favorite. Everyone talks about idaho and Montana for berries but some of the washington patches we pick are insanely productive. Good on the mycelium and everything, a bunch of people in idaho say a bear has to poop out the seeds for them to be viable 😂 the only issue I could see is not high enough elevation for the mountain hucks.
