Life Cycle of Animals and Plants
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Life Cycle of Animals and Plants:
1. Refer life cycle of various living things provided in the resource page R2 of the dissect journal.
2. Note your observations on animals/ plants’ lifecycle.
3. You need to write story of life cycle of your favourite Living thing.
4. This story should have following key concepts:
a. Name of the Animals / Plants; their birth and growth.
b. Activities they perform and stages that they pass through as they grow.
c. How they behave when they grow.
• To identify the life cycles of animals, birds, insects and plants in their vicinity.
Life Cycle of a Butterfly:
1. Form four Teams and distribute the Dumb Charades cards to all Teams randomly.
a. Card 1 – An egg
b. Card 2 – A larva/ caterpillar
c. Card 3 – A pupa
d. Card 4 – A butterfly
2. At their turn, Players to make a dumb charades act to show others what Card they received. The challenge is to make others guess correctly within 2 minutes.
3. Once all acts are over, arrange all Acts in correct sequence of metamorphosis and write the story of butterfly’s complete life cycle.
4. You need to use important words like Mold, pupa etc. in your story.
• Metamorphosis: Life cycle where the adult looks very different from the young one. Transformation from young one to an adult in two or three stages.
e.g. Egg Larva Pupa Butterfly
5. See the video of butterfly metamorphosis from dissect CD.
1. Refer life cycle of various living things provided in the resource page R2 of the dissect journal.
2. Note your observations on animals/ plants’ lifecycle.
3. You need to write story of life cycle of your favourite Living thing.
4. This story should have following key concepts:
a. Name of the Animals / Plants; their birth and growth.
b. Activities they perform and stages that they pass through as they grow.
c. How they behave when they grow.
• To identify the life cycles of animals, birds, insects and plants in their vicinity.
Life Cycle of a Butterfly:
1. Form four Teams and distribute the Dumb Charades cards to all Teams randomly.
a. Card 1 – An egg
b. Card 2 – A larva/ caterpillar
c. Card 3 – A pupa
d. Card 4 – A butterfly
2. At their turn, Players to make a dumb charades act to show others what Card they received. The challenge is to make others guess correctly within 2 minutes.
3. Once all acts are over, arrange all Acts in correct sequence of metamorphosis and write the story of butterfly’s complete life cycle.
4. You need to use important words like Mold, pupa etc. in your story.
• Metamorphosis: Life cycle where the adult looks very different from the young one. Transformation from young one to an adult in two or three stages.
e.g. Egg Larva Pupa Butterfly
5. See the video of butterfly metamorphosis from dissect CD.