ISS Tour - Welcome To The International Space Station!

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The International Space Station (ISS) is an internationally developed research facility, which is being assembled in low Earth orbit. On-orbit construction of the station began in 1998 and is scheduled for completion by 2011. The station will remain in operation until at least 2015, and likely 2020.

With a greater mass than that of any previous space station, the ISS can be seen from the Earth with the naked eye, and, as of 2010, is the largest artificial satellite orbiting the Earth.

The ISS serves as a research laboratory that has a microgravity environment in which crews conduct experiments in biology, human biology, physics, astronomy and meteorology.

The station has a unique environment for the testing of the spacecraft systems that will be required for missions to the Moon and Mars. The ISS is operated by Expedition crews, and has been continuously staffed since November 2000—an uninterrupted human presence in space for the past nine years.

The ISS is a synthesis of several space station projects that includes the American Freedom, the Soviet/Russian Mir-2, the European Columbus and the Japanese Kibō. Budget constraints led to the merger of these projects into a single multi-national programme.

The ISS project began in 1994 with the Shuttle-Mir programme, and the first module of the station, Zarya, was launched in 1998 by Russia. Assembly continues, as pressurised modules, external trusses and other components are launched by American space shuttles, Russian Proton rockets and Russian Soyuz rockets.

As of November 2009, the station consisted of 11 pressurised modules and an extensive integrated truss structure (ITS). Power is provided by 16 solar arrays mounted on the external truss, in addition to four smaller arrays on the Russian modules.

The station is maintained at an orbit between 278 km (173 mi) and 460 km (286 mi) altitude, and travels at an average speed of 27,724 km/h (17,227 mph), completing 15.7 orbits per day.

Operated as a joint project between the five participant space agencies, the station's sections are controlled by mission control centres on the ground operated by the American National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the Russian Federal Space Agency (RKA), the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), the Canadian Space Agency (CSA), and the European Space Agency (ESA).

The ownership and use of the space station is established in intergovernmental treaties and agreements that allow the Russian Federation to retain full ownership of its own modules, with the remainder of the station allocated between the other international partners.

The cost of the station has been estimated by ESA as €100 billion over 30 years, and, although estimates range from 35 billion dollars to 160 billion dollars, the ISS is believed to be the most expensive object ever constructed. The financing, research capabilities and technical design of the ISS programme have been criticised because of the high cost.

The station is serviced by Soyuz spacecraft, Progress spacecraft, space shuttles, the Automated Transfer Vehicle and the H-II Transfer Vehicle, and has been visited by astronauts and cosmonauts from 15 different nations.

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WOW! What an honor it is to be alive at a time like this! Good Job Astronauts/Cosmonauts, and everyone involved!


Why do so many folks on YouTube have to use some noisy jarring heavy rock tune as roundtracks to these otherwise awesome videos. It completely distracts from the a subject as amazing as the ISS.


Simply awesome how there is no 'up' or 'down' anymore, you move in whatever direction that pleases you! 


And yet, the flat earth society is still a real thing...


Dare I say, all the wonderment of being in space from when I was a kid came rushing back to me. The desire to be an astronaut felt more gripping than ever watching this video. It was scary and thrilling in a weird way. Hats off to the crew of the ISS.


Good God this was just orgasmic! you can see the pride in this guy giving us this tour! MAN! what i'd give to just compete for a position and to serve aboard this machine in orbit ! Thanks for the tour! what a moment in human history to see this project continue to evolve!


This is absolutely amazing. This past saturday while on my way to take my SAT i pulled out my iPhone and checked the ISS's position and saw that it was going to pass almost over us! So at 5:00am (the time it was supposed to pass over us and still dark) I scanned the sky and saw it! I told my dad to stop the car and we got out to fully gaze at it. It was bright and fast! About 15x faster than a plane. It was awesome. Watching this vid has made me realize even further how far science and technolo


I am proud with the human kind. I love reading science fiction literature since a little boy. Now I'm a grown up, working and studying in electronics and computer systems while being a witness of the science fiction novels coming true. Bravo & salute to the pioneers of space exploration !


One of the few ISS tour videos I was able to find that includes footage from a docked Shuttle. Feels great to bookmark this video along with the other ISS tour videos. :-)


Definitely the first thing I noticed was how much STUFF there was inside. It amazes me, that, once they got all that stuff into space someone had to put it all together! All those wires, boxes, covers, computers, gear, gadgets, tubes, pipes. So cool.


The dream is a live. The complexity of the ISS is revealed in part by the amount of visual detail in this brief visit. Thank you.


WE HAVE A *SPACE* _STATION_.. A station, in space.

Thanks to everyone involved for allowing us to witness this, this is incredible.

Loved the incredible difference in design and layout of the Japanese module vs the Russian modules..


Thank you NASA for your hard work. We spend so much time thanking our soldiers for their hard work, but rarely our astronauts. You put your lives at risk, not to fight a war, but to advance all of humanity. We really appreciate it.


makes me so proud to see a fellow brother in space


That was awesome! Clearest picture I've seen about how it would be to move around in a space capsule. And clearest view of life on the ISS. Cool!


The music is perfect for this incredible and intimate look at the ISS. Thanks for sharing this.


I'd LOVE to see Discovery Channel (or any other network) do an HD tour of the ISS in its current state. You guys are heroes and true pioneers, thanks for all your hard work!!


I've acully got the chance to be in a space shuttle launch orbit and docking off the ISS simulator and all I have to say is I really respect what these guys do because none of it is easy. On my docking phase I crashed in what would have def destroyed the ISS if it were not a sim


That is one hot space station and one of the greatest scientific establishments, well done all involved.
