SEP 1 Beyond the Walls Online Church 2024

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Is there room for spirituality and religion in our increasingly secular world? The number of people in the West identifying as Christian is in steep decline. While it's easy to blame external factors, much of the responsibility lies within the church, which has often confused outdated social norms with the gospel and defended dogma rather than embracing new insights into life’s meaning.

At the same time, many who reject organized religion turn to secular alternatives, such as therapy, mindfulness, and alternative medicine, to address their spiritual needs. Should Christians reject all these secular trends and strive to preserve traditional forms of worship and devotion?

When Jesus was questioned whether his commitment to the Kingdom of God meant breaking all ties to the world and its institutions, he advocated for a balanced approach: “Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s.” Join us this Sunday to consider how this famous scene from the ministry of Jesus, as recorded in Matthew 22:15-22, can help us discern the role the church is called to play in our secular society. We will share communion 🍞🍇 with all those participating live from around the world 🌏

Beyond the Walls – Render unto Caesar. We invite you to share this hour of reflection, prayer, meditation, music, and fellowship with the Beyond the Walls global community on 📅 Sunday, September 1, 2024.


Prelude: Simphonie sur le b Fa from 4 Simphonies by Nicolas-Antoine Lebègue
Greetings: John Hamer — Convent of La Tourette, Éveux, France
Call to Worship: Corey Taylor — Jacksonville, Florida
Opening Hymn CCS 276 - All Are Welcome
Invocation: Judy Luffman — Redmond, Oregon
Living Church Lesson: Leandro Palacios — Lyon, France
Global Welcome: Leandro Palacios — Lyon, France
Ministry of Music: Prélude (1913) by Maurice Ravel
Lectionary: Kristine Bradley — Sandusky, Ohio
Sermon: John Hamer — Musée des Confluences, Lyon, France
Communion Hymn CCS 520 - God Extends an Invitation
Invitation to Communion: John Hamer — Saint Matthew Church of Oingt, France
Blessing of the Bread and the Wine: Carol Marie Groen — Flesherton, Ontario
Closing Hymn CCS 273 - Draw the Circle Wide
Sending Forth: John Hamer — Vienne, France
Postlude: Champêtres from "Des heures passent" (Op. 1, No. 4) by Albert Roussel

All music performed by the Beyond the Walls Choir and Michael Karpowicz. Late Edition Host: Noelle Gaffka


Beyond the Walls is an online worship service offering live ministry from locations around the world. Our global congregation meets every Sunday at 12:00 pm Eastern / 11:00 am Central / 10:00 am Mountain / 9:00 am Pacific Time.
For those who missed the morning service while it was live, Late Edition is an opportunity to experience the ministry that was offered live earlier in the day while building community with friends from around the world. Join us at 6:00 pm Eastern / 5:00 pm Central / 4:00 pm Mountain / 3:00 pm Pacific Time.

We are an international community of disciples and seekers facilitated by Community of Christ in Canada and the Toronto congregation. We are a non-dogmatic church open to interfaith and skeptical perspectives. We reject literal interpretations of scripture. We welcome and affirm all gender identities and expressions. On the first Sunday of each month, we invite online attendees of all religious affiliations and spiritual types to celebrate communion.
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I always enjoy watching this ministry it’s very nice and informative.


"those who do the will of God abide forever"? However can we know his will? Is there a book?


But...doesn't everything belong to God?
