Surah Waqiah 14 times for Wealth, Job & Rizq |MuslimKorner

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- As our last Prophet Muhammad PBUH Said

"The one who reads / recites Surah Waqiah every night, poverty will not befall him."

Another Hadith As Prophet SAW.W said

"Surah Waqiah is the Surah of wealth, so recite it and teach it to your children."

So from the above hadith it is cleared that Surah Waqiah is a blessing for the entire Muslim Ummah. The world we living today is full of tension, stress and worry. Most of our troubles are finance related instability. So this Surah provides an array of worldly benefits for good earning.

This Surah protects against poverty as our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAWW said

"Whoever recited Surah al Waqiah every night would never encounter poverty" [Ibn Sunni 620]

Abdullah ibn Masud May Allah pleased with him said

"I have instructed my daughters to read Surah al Waqiah every night."

So here in a nutshell, benefits of reciting Surah al Waqiah are tremendous. This surah doesn't takes more than 5 minutes to recite and the rewards yet are so big SubhanAllah! The best time to recite Surah Waqiah is after Isha prayer. Read Durood Ibrahimi 3 times before and after reading of this surah. Soon you will get barakah for sending blessings to our Prophet PBUH.

The Holy Prophet PBUH is also noted to have said, “Surah Al Waiqiah is the Surah of Wealth, so recite it and teach it to your children.”

With so much evidence available in Islamic written literature. There must be some reason Surah Waqiah is renowned for its benefits. And in case you’re wondering just what they may be, we have outlined the benefits below for your utmost convenience.

Related: Benefits of Reading Surah Mulk

Surah Waqiah takes away financial distress from the lives of the believers
The world we live in today is full of tension, stress and worry. And believe it or not, many or most of our troubles are related to financial instability. Whether it’s lack of jobs, lack of funding from government institutions or simply the inability to provide your loved ones with basic necessities of adequate food, clothing or shelter, the list of financial struggles are truly endless.

Surah Waqiah is a blessing for the entire Muslim Ummah. This is because this surah has been known to provide an array of worldly benefits for good earning. All Muslim believers are instructed to keep this Surah close to their hearts if they wish to attain the numerous numbers of advantages from its greatness. The surah has been known to provide good means of attaining financial stability for those who wish to seek the lawful earnings and bounty from their Lord ALLAH.

The Holy Prophet PBUH, as mentioned previously has declared. Surah Waqiah as providing great protection against. A bundle load of destitution while serving as a huge bag or riches or wealth.

Related: Importance of Salah in Islam

When should believers indulge in reading the powerful Surah Waqiah?
When should believers indulge in reading the powerful Surah Waqiah?

The consideration of the recitation of Surah Waqiah into a Muslim believer’s life can truly make a huge difference in terms of wealth and finances. With only a few minutes to spare, believers can attain the great benefits that this surah provides. It is recommended to recite this surah before sleeping. This can be proven by the following Hadith of the Holy Prophet PBUH. “Whoever recites Surah Al Waqiah at night would never encounter poverty.”
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Being Muslim is the Biggest Reward from Allah, "all praise is due to God alone"
Say Alhamdulillah
If you agree


Ya Allah, open all doors for every Muslim in need of help bless them with rizq, good health, serenity, and wealth...Ameen


Ya Allah make me a trillionaire so that I can solve the problems of all Muslim brothers and sisters. Your bounty has no limits, flood my life with the treasures that I can lift up myself and my Ummah Ameen


Ya Allah..Hamba subiyanti Raswino
Yg mendengarkan Lantunan ayat suci AL-QUR’AN ini
^ Lapangkan Rejeki hamba
^Lariskan Dagangan hamba
^ Kembangkan Bisnis hamba
^ Wujudkan Harapan hamba
^Mudahkan Urusan hamba..aamiin 🤲


Alhamdulilah ❤ thank you yaa Allah for always being the best, yaa Allah please protect me my husband and my family, yaa Allah bless us with good health and wealth happiness success and prosperity. AMEEN


Just reverted one week before 2022 Ramadhan and am feeling A Rebirth. InshaAllah.


Ya allah atas kehendak dan kekuasaamu semoga tahun dpn aku bsa ziaroh mekah madinah bersama keluargaku kun fayakun 99x Aamiin Allahumma Aamiin


There is nothing sweeter and beneficial like the holy book quran allahthalas revelation to the mankind created by Allah and bestowed through our holy prophet Muhammed sal pbuh.


Bismilah allahumma sholi ala syaidina muhamad wa ala alli syaidina muhamad, yaallah ampuni dosa, , ku dn dosa semua keluargaku berikan kesehatan keselamatan dunia aherat, permudah segala urusan kami lancarkan rezeki kami, seperti air jamjam yg tak prnh kering rezeki berlimpah bermanpaat dunia aherat yaallah Aamiin yarobbal alamin🙏


🤲Ya Allah semoga ENGKAU bukakan pintu rezekiku, KAU turunkan rezekiku, KAU limpah ruahkan rezekiku, KAU berikan aku kekayaan yg abadi, KAU mudahkan urusanku, dan KAU lunaskan htg2ku, Aamiin🤲🙏


Alihamdulillah. May Allah provide me and my family a generational chain of wealth worthy of the weight of Surah Waqiah. Aameen


setelah mendengar zikir ini ya ALLAH tunjukan pada kami sekeluarga jalan untuk umroh.


🤲 Ya Allah . Luwaskan pintu Rezeki Buwat Hambah Mu Ya Allah . Ringan kan Beban Hamba Mu Ya Allah


Ya allah semuga mendengarkan waqiah mendapat kemulian, keberkahan, kenikmatan, kekuatan, rezeki yg melimpah, kesihatan yg baik, sentiasa dalam keselamatan amin, amin amin, alhamdulillah syukur kehadrat allah


Allah, with your permission, open success paths for me, make things favorable for me, keep me and my husband’s bond strong and for life. Keep my family safe and healthy, help us succeed in life. Help us use our full potential. Make me prosperous and abundant. And thank you for the blessings and protection in my life.


YaAllah kami mohon diberikan rejeki banyak yang datang ya tidak diduga2tapi yang engkauridoi danbarokah dunia aherat amin


Ya Allah Yabg Maha Pengasih lagi Penyanyang jadikanlah anak2 hamba anak yg saleh serta mudahkanlah rezekinya seluas lautan yg Engkau ciptakan aamiin


Amin Allah Huma Amin 🤲🤲, semoga urusan hamba selasai dengan keajaiban mendengar suara merdunya ayat-ayat suci Al-Qur'an, hutang hamba cepat lunas ATM BRI terisi penuh,


Ya Allah ya Tuhanku sembuhkan lah suamiku angkatlah penyakitnya dan bisa ngomong lagi seperti sediakala kuatkan iman dan taqwa nya, ,, lancarkan usahaku dan rejeki ku supaya bisa membahagiakan orang tua dan semua keluarga ku, ,Aamiin ya Allah 😘🙏


Muda2han dengan mendengarkan bacaan sura waqiah suran jekayaan hutang hamba dilunaskan allah swt ya brobbal alamiiin
