Elliot Page wants to combat the ‘endless, full-blown lies’ about trans lives

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Elliot Page has reflected on the “endless, full-blown lies” about trans lives exclusive interview with PinkNews, urging the community to fight back with information and education.

The Hollywood actor, 37, stars in Dominic Savage’s new drama, Close To You, as a trans man, Sam, who visits his family for the first time after his transition and has a chance encounter with an old friend Katherine, played by Hillary Beck.

Sam’s family reunion, however, is fraught with tension when everyone continually asks whether he’s happy since transitioning, and no one seems to believe that he is.

And after his mother (Wendy Crewson) misgenders her son, brother-in-law Paul (David Reale) purposefully antagonises him, asking why they can’t call him “Sammy”, and insinuating that the family are having to tiptoe around him.

Speaking to PinkNews ahead of Close To You‘s European premiere at the 2024 BFI Flare: London LGBT Film Festival last night (14 March), Page, who came out publicly as trans in 2020, discussed the emotional distance that can exist between some LGBTQ+ people and their families.

“Sam has parents that accept his transness, and have the best intentions, but they don’t truly see Sam,” Page said. “The way in which his family interacts with him, again trying their best but not quite getting it right, the nuance in those moments will hopefully resonate particularly with trans and queer people.”

Sibling Paul’s hostility towards Sam isn’t displayed with slurs or violence, but rather through “language that people justify,” explains Page.
“And by people”, he adds, “I mean those who are OK with trans and queer people being dehumanised and mocked”.

Page hopes Close To You will “really capture [the] impact” those nuanced but negative interactions can have on LGBTQ+ people – an experience that many of them will have to endure from relatives. Although family might be supportive, they can also make unintentionally inappropriate comments or jokes, or not fully understand what their loved one feels.

Reflecting on his relationship with his own mother, Page had some advice for trans and queer people who want to be better seen and understood by their families.

“For me, with my mom, I would send her stuff, articles which she read. So, in many ways, I think it’s about sharing the correct information, because there are endless, full-blown lies about our lives, our healthcare, just who we are,” he said.

The advice is particularly pertinent as the UK and the US prepare for general elections, with the trans community likely to be used as a punching bag by right-wing politicians looking to score points.
“That’s something I found really, really helpful: sharing the correct information to help educate people, whether it’s an article or a memoir by a trans person,” continued Page, whose own memoir, Pageboy, was published last year.

Рекомендации по теме

Is this the “trans joy” I’ve heard so much about?


Such a broken human being, this is extremely sad.


It was nice of Steve O to do the voiceover….


“Correct information” like how puberty blockers aren’t reversible and haven’t even been sufficiently studied or tested as of yet to actually prove their safety, or even efficacy?


No, I actually think people are concerned for young people’s safety. The effects of hormones aren’t exactly known yet which is kinda scary. If transitioning is your path then good for you but people should really think deeply about it.


What Hollywood and so-called “doctors” have done to her is unforgivable. This person won’t be long for this world.


No matter what endless Lies u tell ur self u will always feel Like a Fraud, An Endless Full blown Unsatisfying Life No matter what.


The farther she rejects herself the more unhappy she becomes. I feel bad for this poor girl.


So what lies exactly have been told? Making claims without any evidence is spreading misinformation


"correct information" is a repeating theme.


The tone and cadence of the speech sounds unhinged.


She is trying so hard to hide her pain! 😞


For anyone who cares about Elliot Page as much as I do and wants to understand more--

Read "Detransition" by Max Robinson. It's a really great book about lesbians, transmen, and women who have never fit stereotypes. Written by a transman, critical of patriarchy.


She needs therapy, not tra sitioning.

In a couple of years people will look at Tr like we look at Lobo tomie


"a memoir by a trans person"... like yours, right... coming out soon. Good marketing. Tell us all the "truth", cause we are all unable to see and don't know anything...


She isn't trying to convince us, she is trying to convince herself


It may just be me but there is sadness in her eyes


Elle n’a rien d’un homme. Elle s’est juste perdue la pauvre.


Ummmm. Can you not mansplain being trans to us pls?


Ok right now im a girl.... he is making fun of us.
