Unboxing The Legend Of Zelda Games | 1986-2023 (Evolution + Gameplay)

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Today we unbox The Legend Of Zelda games in an ASMR relaxing unboxing with gameplay from each game to show the evolution from when it was released in 1986 up until 2023. Enjoy!


The Legend of Zelda (1986)
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (1987)
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (1991)
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (1993)
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (1998)
The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask (2000)
The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons (2001)
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (2002)
The Legend of Zelda: The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventure (2004)
The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap (2004)
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (2006)
The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (2007)
The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks (2009)
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (2011)
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (2013)
The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes (2015)
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (2017)
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (2023)


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Little known fact, the 1986 and 1987 releases of the first two Zelda games were actually the Disk System versions in Japan. They have some differences, mostly in the audio, but Zelda 2 has some graphical and gameplay differences too. They got altered and ported to NES in 1987 and 1988 respectively. Japan actually had Zelda 2 before the rest of the world got Zelda 1.


Dude I’ve got a serious question, where in the world do you get these games brand new and unopened??? Like I really wanna know


Ah man, you don't have Link to the past original, from SNES?!? This cartridge is my pride and joy!


twilight princess and spirit tracks are amazing, definitely my favorites


Last time I remember talking to my step dad before he died I remember him calling me while I was playing majora‘s mask.. had I known that would be our last conversation I would have said a lot more.. R.I.P


It was perfect, thanks mate for listening to us, you're incredible! The best for making these videos!


Is it just me or all of the cases gave me shivers when he rubed his hands against it


Bro, Thank you for all these videos and hardwork....really helpful and life saving....NEVER QUIT👊👊!!


Those gold cartridges were always so amazing! To a kid it was like real gold!!!! Actually lol it still feels like real gold as an adult 😉


Amazing franchise, can’t imagine Nintendo without it <3


As a collector, my heart dropped when he took his knife and tore off the cellophane from what looked like a mint condition copy of Zelda for the NES. What a great collection.


Great video, but a few corrections. Four Swords was the first multiplayer Zelda game, and the debut of Vaati was in Four Swords as well. In fact, Vaati appeared in Four Swords and Four Swords Adventures before Minish Cap. And TOTK doesn't allow time travel, although I wish it did. :)


Just missing Oracle of Ages (it's great!) and gameplay from Four Swords (the *actual* first multiplayer Zelda) but otherwise a fun watch! Some of that European box art looks much nicer than what we got in North America.


Buying a game just felt soo good back in the day


My tears of the kingdom didn't come with any paperwork so I felt that


Mi saga de juegos favorita, gracias por el video saludos desde México 🎉❤


At 9:17 you have Skyward Sword HD version for Switch. In 2011 was released Skyward Sword version for Wii.


The chronological timeline of the legend of zelda series > skyward sword, the minish cap, four sword, ocarina of time, the sealed palace, dawn and dusk, the missing link, majora's mask, angtherum, zelda indigo, twilight princess, crossbow training, four sword adventure, the wind waker, phantom hourglass, spirit tracks, a link to the past, oracle of ages, oracle of seasons, link's awakening, a link between worlds, echoes of wisdom, triforce heroes, zelda 1, zelda 2, hyrule warriors, age of calamity, breath of the wild, relics of the past, and tears of the kingdom, 😊


So that original legend of Zelda box had at least one thing wrong with it that marks it as inauthentic. I had the original when it released in the U.S. The folded map inside was actually sealed with a white round sticker folded over the edge to prevent you from opening it. You had to rip it in two to open it because it was supposed to be optional extra info. I don’t think I broke into it until around the fourth dungeon or so. Also I don’t believe the two booklets came in a plastic sleeve, but I may be wrong about that. That said, it’s a nice replica.
