What I learned from John Schmidt (tall pool players)

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Had a great time and learned a lot from the group clinic by John Schmidt. In this video I cover the aspects of shot routine and rhythm his clinics brought to mind. Much is applicable to tall pool players like me.

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Another great example of a tall person that needs an extended cue is Dr Dave. He mentioned he put in extensions to fit his tall stature


New subscriber. I’ve watched several of your videos over the last couple of weeks. Solid info. Looking forward to more content!


Wow that picture with Scott T and Bob W brings back some memories 😁


Good stuff brother!! Keep building your channel!!


Wow, what a great little channel. Packed with highly intelligent information and beautiful camerawork.


Great information. I wish more people knew this.


All good information. I think Filler has the best form and is the most accurate. I enjoy watching Shane more though. When the pool halls open again, I'm going to try to stroke more like Filler.


Am a tall player too this was really helpfull


This is what I've been racking (no pun) my brain on last few years...to extend or not to extend! I'm 6'0 with a 74" wingspan. I spent a year or 2 using a 4" mid extension. Now I'm using a 58" but I chicken wing the follow thru so often it's driving me nutz. I'll experiment again with it and take in your points. Thanks for the vid!


DaveBollman back in early 1980's had the first long cue I I think it was almost 6 foot at 1980 world open BobMeucci introduced us to longer all of us to promote his cues BigBob, a classy guy ...thanks to Bob


Hey Short stop ! I’m a taller player also, so your points definitely point out my faults in my stroke and the fact that my cue maybe to short .. hmmm.. yes your point well taken . So longer cue gives you a wider stance at delivery, totally get it . What if I just try to grip farther back, do you think would aid in my stance position ? Tonight I am going to try it on my 58” . Does a longer cue also give you a better balance for your stroke ? as a taller player ..


Very insightful. How heavy is your cue with the extensions


Some good stuff. Thanks for posting. Some errors though I think...
Strickland, Van Boening and Shaw are not particularly tall. They use long cues for more reach and more pop. Also, Earl won multiple US Opens with a standard size cue and Shaw was a top English 8 ball player. These guys can all run out from anywhere with anything.

The other part I think is off relates to alignment. Alignment can help but it is not a true fundamental and is overstated as an idea.
Same concept as cue length...you can put a top player in almost any alignment and they'll get out. It does indeed make a difference but 10 to 15 pct.

The true key is aim. Past that it's feel and keeping that right arm soft and loose. May sound simple but if you were to measure the softness and fluidity of a top pros arm and body you'd see very little tension. Amateurs....all over the map. Biggest factor in my opinion.


Great clip. Really enjoyed it. How did you find a case for a 68” cue?


Having gone to the National Billiards Academy's clinic, I'm trying to incorporate their 'pause' step between my backstroke and accelerating through the ball with thestroke. Much more difficult than I thought it would be to make a habit, but I'm getting there and like the consistency off it.

A question about your pre-shot routine. I've been taught to 'aim with your feet' by standing on the shot line (as you imagine it extending back towards you) with your right foot (assuming you shoot right-handed). I think around 00:06:42, your right foot kind of goes back as you get in position rather than stepping forward with your left leg into the shot. Can you speak on your technique when getting down to shooting position?


Good stuff! It can be really challenging being a tall player. I have noticed that there are no great players that are six fourish or taller. Of course there is Mike Massey. Do you know of any top players that are really tall? l dont know how tall UJ pucket was. lm not talking about six footers, lm talking about tall players.Your thoughts?


l read where you said that your cue weight weighed more than most. Did this make a noticeable difference?


What pool cue tip are you using with the cynergy?


3:06 "my rear food is behind and in line with my right food" what does that mean?


I too am tall, 6'6", and am having problems with getting a long cue. I have a stick with a 4" butt extension and both butt and shaft are 30". Problem I running into is that with the extension, the cue does not roll flat and all middle extensions I have tried on vendor demos also wobble terribly. Do you have recommended brands or maker? Also, I feel that having a longer shaft increases deflection (I would prefer shorter and stiffer shaft with longer butts).... any comments? Finally, being so tall, I stand upright behind line to aim but when I drop, the aim line changes so much when I drop to stoke the ball that I loss confidence. Do you experience the same?
