Truth Behind Passing of Russ & Shelly Dizdar & Rob Skiba. Satan Stopped Jamie's Heart. #russdizdar

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Jesus holds the keys of Death, Hell, and the grave. Nothing happens to a child of his without his permission. God is triumphant, even over death.


This past month losing Russ and Shelly has broken my heart and made m cry. I know he and his wife are basking in the glory of our King Yahushua and he did his work like a warrior and never backed down from any demon. He will be missed and remembered in my heart till we meet at the end of this life.


Our Apostle Paul says; "To live is Christ and to die is Gain." Philippians 1:21


My heart is so heavy with sorrow. I lost my oldest son on Monday to a vehicle accident. I have to believe God is calling home his warriors to get ready for the battle to come. I also feel like I lost my youngest son to the vaccine yesterday. I pray God will forgive him for what he has been forced to take. All my love and faith is with Jesus Christ and my father in Heaven. They are wearing down the Saints and I am willing to die for my Lord and Saviour. I will never take their poison as my oldest son was also so against it.


I love what his daughter said:
⚜"This isn't over, this is just the beginning, because now you gonna deal with me!"⚜


A little over a year ago, I woke up barely able to breathe. I felt a evil presence coiled around my body, including my chest. Barely able to whisper, I said Jesus. It released. Even so, my body was racked in pain, and weak. I got up and played music that helps me draw close to God. As I continued to worship, my strength started to return to me, and the pain began leaving my body. So, I dedicated hours to passionately worshiping God. I know that if I had not taken authority over the spirit of python, I would have died that night.


The evil one does not have authority As it is written... When Job was going through trials God limited what the evil one could do.


The Lord has saved my life over 20 times (that I am aware of) some of these times were very Supernatural! I had my car float over a deep ditch & back on to the road after I went off the road to avoid a head-on collision with an 18-wheeler. I have had a man break into my house. He intended to rape and kill my mother when I was 14 yrs old. I was in the kitchen when he came in the back door. This man was a giant of a man. He was a biker. He had tattoos all over, chains hanging off his leather vest. He had a beard and mustache. He looked me in the eyes and growled. I was scared to death but, I was more scared for my mother in the Next Room because there was nothing I could do to help her. He had followed her home from the nightclub. it was 2:30 a.m. I said..." oh God please help me" right when I said that, the man looked above my shoulder. His face turned pale white. He said" oh God please don't kill me, oh God please don't kill me!" He then turned around & took off running out the back door, screaming like a little girl. I never seen him again! I can go on, on and on with these stories.
If you love the Lord Jesus Christ and pray to ask for his protection. There is no one, nowhere that will take your life, one second sooner than what the Lord intended for you. You will not die before your time the Lord has for you!
Not unless you take your own life.


In September, I had covid19, or the delta variant. I had not eaten in a week, did not want food, felt like I was dying. I went to the ER for oxygen. The doctor wanted to admit me, I said no because I had a 12 year old son at home, he was positive for covid and no one would help take care of him. They were afraid of getting covid19. They said I was going to die in front of my son if I went home. I told them only if its God's will. They told me to give my son to CPS so I could stay in the hospital, no way! I came home and God healed me and I am so thankful for his healing. My sister is a retire nurse, she thought I was going to die, she said I had many people praying for me.


Rob & Russ are gone - They will be truly missed - I can't believe it


Me to!! I have been under physical attack all year with one thing after another!!@ now I've been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer! ENOUGH!!!! STOP satan AND LEAVE ME ALONE IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME!


we need to pray for David Heavener for protection and for bringing us important news and fellowship ...thanks David. man been following russ and rob for a long time ... im still in shock.


Beloved believers, I am in South Africa and only now heard of Robs passing an am in shock. Loved his ministry and work and all the rest of my other American bros and sisters. Steve Quale, and his team, Sheila Zilinsky, Lois Vogel and numerous others. You are a great nation and very much like the South African farmers. We have the same beliefs and value systems and that can only be because if the true Gospel of Jesus. We are living in scary AND great times, because I know the true believers wil rise up by His Name and power and will witness great and mighty things to come. Born and assigned for a time such as this. If ever any of you are called to come to South Africa, please let me know. I will be honored to give accommodation and assistance. One thing that is very hard to understand, is why the world hate the true believers. They are the light and salt of this world, honest, kind gentle people, but yes, if the hated and killed our Saviour, He said that they will hate us also. Work of the devils. May your assignment be fulfilled.


I have been surrounded by death this year, untimely deaths, those close to me, and those who I respect and learn from, I have been grieving for soo much this year and usually cry daily, I cant help but feel the enemy has been very busy wearing out the saints, God is still on the throne, and I'm waiting for him to wipe my tears away


About a week ago I prayed for a woman that has double pneumonia demon Spirit started leaving her, I pray for her to sessions, she was healed she went to the doctor the doctor said to double pneumonia is gone, that tells me that even stuff like covid-19 can be cast out in the powerful name of Jesus Christ


We should celebrate.
God called them up to the major leagues.


“I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me will live, even though he dies. And everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die” (John 11:25–26).


Good insight by the warriors of God. Thanks David! I will miss Russ Dizdar's great soul and spirit and teaching ability. He was one of the best warriors for God our Savior! Lastly, what Russ and Shelley went through in their lives I can only imagine the struggle, but I imagine great victories too! Cindy Michigan


Jon Pounders was very sick and recovered. My prayers are with all God’s spiritual warriors.


They were counted worthy to escape all these things coming upon the earth
