Bill Warner, PhD: Islamic Reform Is Impossible (5 min video)

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How many times have you heard this, Islam just needs a reform. Well why does it need a reform? Well then it would be nicer without that jihad business. So let's just reform it.

It is impossible to reform Islam. It's almost like a mathematical business.

But, Christianity and Judaism were reformed, therefore Islam can be reformed. Well, not really. Let's say that you're gonna reform Islam by picking out the good and dropping what is bad, and you're the one deciding what is good and bad. Well this Islam you're gonna pick and choose from, what is it? It's Quran, Sira, and Hadith, so therefore if you're gonna reform Islam, you have to reform the Quran, the Sira, or the Hadith.

Let's start with the Quran. What does it say about itself? Quran 3:7, "No one knows the true interpretation except Allah," that's the interpretation of the Quran, "but those firm in knowledge say "we believe in it, all of it is from our Lord." So since every verse comes from Allah, who are you to pick and choose amongst it?

Here's an example that you don't even know how to pick and choose anyway. Quran 2:216, "Fighting is prescribed for you, and you dislike it. "But it is possible that you dislike a thing "which is good for you and that you love a thing "which is bad for you."

So therefore you the person picking and choosing, Allah says you don't know how to pick and choose anyway. Quran 11:1. "This is a book who verses are perfect." So every verse is perfect, who are you to say they're not?
Quran 5:3. "This day I perfected for you your religion "and completed my favor upon you "and have approved for you Islam as a religion." Its religion is perfect. That includes Quran and Sunna. What are you gonna do about that? How do you reform perfection? Look, Islam is perfect in its entirety and each individual part. Every verse, every sentence, every Hadith is perfect.

Muhammad is a perfect model for a human life. There's 91 verses in the Quran which say so. So therefore his Sunna is perfection. There's not good Sunna and bad Sunna. It's all Allah's perfection.

But let's say you're so brilliant that you're smarter than Allah, and you're smarter than Muhammad, and you come up with this brilliant plan for reformation. So what, who do you go to? There's no authoritative body to approve or disprove. You can't go to Al-Azhar because they don't have any real authority. They're just a group of scholars issuing opinions. There is no central body that can issue changes in Islam, so your brilliant reformation plan doesn't have anywhere to go, no one cares.

Now look, you say we need to reform Islam because it will make Islam whatever we mean by this, nice. So the part you want to remove is jihad. Now in Mecca there is no jihad, but in the Medina in Quran, 24% of it is about jihad. Bukhari's Hadith, 21% are about jihad, and the Sira 67%, or 2/3.

This is not a verse or two, this is a systemic problem. It is a doctrine that you need to change, and you can't change it with a sentence or a verse or two. Islam is not what a Muslim says, it's what Muhammad says. So therefore you can't go to ask some Muslim, well here's what I think a reformation would be, and he would go, oh I think you're right. There's 1 1/2 billion Muslims, so which one are you gonna ask for to approve of your plan for reformation? Whereas when we quote Muhammad, it is objective.

Now look, we've all met nice pleasant Muslims, and so we say well look, if Muslims are nice, there is a nice Islam they're following. No, they're not following all of Islam. They're just practicing the Islam that's found in Mecca, not in Medina. Nice Muslims cannot condemn or say Medina is wrong, they just don't practice it. But that's not reforming, it's just not doing what it says.

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Agreed 100%; it's just common sense. Islam is not reformable.


“...This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.” [Quran 5: 3]


So the old man admits that Islam cannot be defeated.


This dude's eye contact game is stronger than most governments


True, you can't reform Islam, because it's impossible to reform PERFECTION!


I'm Muslim and I agree with you you can't reform perfection


" it's impossible to reform perfection "


We see how "Nice" the west is to Palestine.


It annoys me when people talk about Christian reform as though Christianity was this bad religion that was reformed by fundamentally changing it and removing the "bad" parts. It wasn't.

Christianity as an organizational structure, had become corrupted and moved away from its core teachings. The reformation was simply a return to the original teachings of Christ.

This same type of "reformation" has already happened in Islam, that's exactly what Wahhabism and Salafism are ... a return to the pure, uncorrupted teachings of the Prophet. Unfortunate the teachings of the Prophet are fundamentally supremacist and intolerant at their core so there can be no improvement of Islam via reformation.

There is no way to make Islam play nice with the rest of the world without destroying its core teachings, so certainly "reformation by return to its roots" is actually making things worse.


﴿إِنّا نَحنُ نَزَّلنَا الذِّكرَ وَإِنّا لَهُ لَحافِظونَ﴾ [الحجر: ٩]
(9) Indeed, it is We who sent down the message [i.e., the Qur’ān], and indeed, We will be its guardian.


I'm Muslim and yes Islam is perfect it's from God.
It's a miracle that's why it can't be reformed.
It's the true religion.


The expression of despair in his eyes is the most enjoyable aspect of this video.


Reforming Islam is like making a triangle have 4 sides.   It is no longer a triangle.   Allah's word is immutable.


As a Muslim I agree, the word of god cannot be reformed
Unlike Christianity and Judaism that has been changed according to humans pleasure


When people claim to be peaceful muslims, they might be telling the truth about their lifestyle, but they are not telling the truth about their founder or its teachings.


That's the reason why Maajid Nawaz don't want to discuss with gad saad


Islam.. the eternal and unalterable curse on humanity. Thanks Mohammad.


I would love for you to speak to Maajid Nawaz for just a few minutes to completely destroy his entire argument.


Go and change your bible, and you have done It 100 times.
You will be 101


Wow, 100x more positive than negative votes. Very rare on youtube
