What if Germany, Britain and Russia were Allies in WW1? | HOI4 Timelapse

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What if the grandchildren of Queen Victoria were allied in WW1? Let's find out!
Mod: Great War Redux
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Peace deal - Britain took the historical English lands from France and Germany took the further inland areas. Austria and Czechoslovakia were annexed into the German Empire. Russia took other lands in Austria Hungary and gained a puppet of Turkey. Ottoman lands outside Turkey were split between Britain and Germany, the same with French colonial lands. Italy was divided with Germany annexing some of the industrial North and Britain gaining a puppet in the rural south. Central Italy remains independent. Bulgaria becomes the dominant force in the balkans taking up to but not including Istanbul and the Bosporus strait as well as other former Ottoman land in Europe,
Edit: spelling


I'm not sure this makes sense, I think Germany was always going to be against Russia.

These were the 2 up and coming land powers in Europe with growing populations and economies.

I think there definitely could of been a case for Britain allying with Germany against Russia. In some ways they were both threatened by Russia. Germany on the land border and Britain in an Imperial sense in areas like Afghanistan/Persia/Middle East and potentially India.

I think the question then is how the other powers would line up.

I think France is likely to stay Allied to Russia. Its certainly not impossible for Britain to be pulled away from France. There had conflicting interests in many ways and were historical enemies.

Ottomans generally had good relations with Britain before the world war and historically Russia was an enemy.

As for Italy and Austria who knows. The Austrians had become more and more under the German sway but in many ways they might be keen to turn against Germany so that Austria could once again become the premier German state.

Italy's natural enemy in the 1st World war is Austria, as they controlled land that was seeing as being Italian. I think they would like up against the Austrians (like they historically did).

I would be tempted to go for
Allies : UK, Germany, Turkey (and Italy joining later if they were wining).
Entente : France, Austria, Russia. (and Italy joining later if they were wining).


If I don't annoy you I have some ideas:

What if a Carlist Spain and a Miguelista Portugal supported the Central Powers in World War I?

And if Spain, Netherlands and Sweden support the central powers?

And if the Nordic countries supported the Entente/Central Powers?

What if the Ottoman Jihad plan had worked?


Why did Serbia join the Entente? Their main enemy were the Austrians.


Thanks I've been ask around some of the big HOI4 youtbers to do this one for awhile but they said it kept crashing.


Damn, Ottomans last to collapse in this timeline too


Serbia should have joined Central Powers


I wouldn't be surprised if it was Napoleon IV in charge of French forces. Defeated just like his father.


Britain and Germany tech is too OP, Russia had manpowers, trio dangers.


Sin la necesidad de pelear contra el imperio ruso.

El imperio alemán concentra todo su ejército en tomar París, e incluso ir más lejos y va por el norte de Italia.

Una alianza que pudo funcionar pero por las idioteces de Guillermo II condenó al imperio al fracaso.

Y ya saben lo que pasó luego con, él.


Russia's mutilated victory....uchronia


Bible belt vs Catholic and Muslim vibes is strong in here
