Le College Board Incident

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Song: In the Hall of the Mountain King. Please share the video I worked really hard on this.

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It has come to my attention that some of the events in this video is a common mental state amongst all of my viewers and I just want to remind you:
- you are more than the singular number college board gives you on their stupid test
- you matter
- you are a baddie
- you will succeed in life even if you don't do so good on the SAT
- do not hesitate to reach out into your support system for help
- your hard work is valid and appreciated
That is all.


Last frame should have been the fact that College Board is planning to completely change up the format of the SAT in the 2/3 yrs, making all of the available prep material pretty much useless for anyone that isn’t going to take these last few test cycles, increasing their profit margins by still charging the full fee while having the test be administered digitally, and purposefully being vague as to how this new test format is going to work out. Thank god I finished this shit last year and got the score I wanted.


remember, college board is a “non-profit” organization


- most Ivy League schools aren’t better than good state schools, they just have more nepotism and name recognition
- in state tuition is your friend
- find a safety school that specializes in the field you want. Their programs in that field will be about equal in quality to your main school but cheaper and less selective.
- nobody cares about your SAT or ACT score once you’re in college
- going to technical/community college and then transferring to a university is a practical way to get a 4 year degree
- at the end of the day, it’s not test scores or even success that defines your worth


I remember bringing up the fact that college board was a monopoly in my AP MicroEconomics class which led to a fun discussion


I have passionately hated the college board since high school for these exact reasons. They're a disgusting monopoly and I can't believe they're allowed to get away with it.


Just wait until you have to worry about graduate admissions and realize that every standardized test has its own scumbag monopoly controlling it. The LSAC administers the law school admissions test and completely controls all law school applications. Get ready to pay 215 dollars to take a single test, then another 200 dollars to be allowed to pay 45 dollars to send those test scores to a single school which has its own application fee between 60 and 100 dollars each. And if you go through any of the incredibly overpriced prep courses, be ready to pay the required $99 preliminary purchase just to have legal access to those previous test questions.


As someone who is now in college, to all my bros and broettes in high school, let me tell you: the college you go to matters way way less than you think. Go to whatever college is cheapest (or if you can get paid money to go, then that's great) and get a degree in something reasonable. Pretty much all colleges are the same in that almost none of them actually prepare you for a job directly (because degrees generally aren't standardized across colleges) and all jobs will train you to be able to do what you need to do. Degrees just give you general knowledge. The advantages of going to "nicer" colleges are minimal in that maybe you'll encounter an employer who went to your college and will be partial to you or something. But unless you go to a college like Harvard or Yale or smth, the name of your college will not give you a leg up in the job market. And if you ever even had a chance of getting into a college like those in the first place, you're already set. So even if you don't make it, you will do just fine.


My older brother started reading college calculus textbooks for fun in his free time when he was 12. He grew incredibly interested in physics, reading all of the classical physics textbooks he could get his hands on from Isaac Newton to Stephen Hawking. He got a double major degree in Physics and Philosophy just because he thought Philosophy seemed fun and wanted to add it in. He's now working on his PhD in astrophysics, while teaching undergrad physics, and most of his students say he is the best physics teacher they've ever had.

Earlier on, he also had wanted to get into Harvard, but couldn't because he had a 1390 SAT score. Mind you, I beat his SAT score with a 1440, and I am now four years into college with only 2.5 years worth of progress.

The SAT is a poor test of success in college, because the SAT tests your knowledge on only some specific things, and only at one point in time. Success in college isn't based on knowledge; it's based on hard work, day after day, month after month, year after year.


gonna add my 2 cent story of collegeboard's bs

i was taking the psat and had a medical emergency in the middle of it. i had only gotten past the first section of erbw or whatever its called. i was told my score would be cancelled. couple of weeks later i make a collegeboard account and find that they graded my psat and i got a 490. and theyre sending that score to colleges as well!! truly a collegeboard moment!!


Just wanted to let everybody know, I know somebody who did pretty terrible on the SAT, they are now a respected doctor working in pulmonology, a number that college board gives you will not define your future, your hard work will define your future


Surely a massive cooperation would value students and their futures over profits right?


As someone in college who already did all this stuff, they constantly told me the test mattered so much. I don't recall doing amazing on my SAT, just above average, and I ended up starting in community college anyway and transferring to a bigger university when I was comfortable lol. they told me in high school that i couldn't do that and that they wouldn't accept my credits, but I DID do that, no sweat...
Don't believe all the crap they tell you in school. Do your own research and find out what you want to prioritize.


Hey guys, I'm happy to announce I purposefully got myself removed from the SAT I took after having a mental breakdown and I'm instead headed to community college for 2 years, where I can do my gen ed studies for almost no $$ (while working part time) and if I get above a 3.0 GPA I get some nice guaranteed scholarships to the university I want to attend. I've taken tons of AP classes and backed out of every single one of them at the end of the year (didn't take the tests), other than the AP literature test, which I half assed then slept during. I had a good time being threatened to be disowned and kicked out of my house as a result, and bullied by my brother who insists I am retarded.

The silver lining? I was a good student who took high school and even college courses in middle school and averaged around a 3.5 GPA (nah, I'm not my brother, he averaged "4.3" or "4.5" whatever the fuck that means, and yeah I do know what it means, I'm just salty) up until now, I failed every class to the point of almost not graduating this year, anxiety that has been at the back of my mind blew up in my face rendering me unable to even look at work without becoming extremely sick and nauseous, and the ADHD I didn't know I had was brought into light by my counselor. I needed to pass 1 class to graduate and I almost let that go, I literally graduated by turning in 1 massive assignment I didn't sleep to turn in with my dad hovering over me reminding me if I didn't graduate I was going to be homeless (fair enough, but that doesn't help me, and I contemplated giving it all up right there and then and just...yeah).

Anyways, I suck at taking tests, I don't fucking care what people think anymore, my dad has already told everyone around him I'm the idiot and my brother is amazing (what a fucking loser, my dad is a neuro scientist and somehow doesn't know how the brain functions, and I'm living proof of it, yet he brags about it to everyone and says he doesn't understand me). I saved up some money and I'm putting it into a trust fund so it doesn't sit in my savings for my dad to see and so I can make more money from it rather than it sitting in my savings. Hopefully I'll be able to save up enough to move the fuck out in 2 years and never speak to the people around me again.

I'm very sorry for this nonsensical and partially off-topic rant. It is proof that the SAT is one of the many things that can fuck someone up, and it actually was the fire starter to many of the stupid things I'm facing now. Lets hope this year is good, and I wish you all the best of luck wherever you are.


Damn thats nuts. I didn't study for the SAT, failed my senior year english class and still got accepted to the university I applied to as a joke.


I wouldn't be surprised if the collegeboard was partially responsible for rising teen depression and suicide rates.


Many schools are now becoming test-optional in light of coronavirus. Some schools have decided to keep this change, therefore making the SAT less and less important for admission. Even before the pandemic, many schools were seriously considering phasing out this piece of the admissions process, and a few got rid of the SAT years beforehand.


The fact that some kids think a 4 digit number can define them tells me something is wrong


As a college student, I have NEVER heard any of my friend's test scores and have nearly forgotten my own results. Professors, future employers, etc, will never ask for your SAT score and it becomes irrelevant the second you finish applying to colleges. It's unreasonable to force students to take it, in my opinion. It doesn't even matter six months after taking the test.


Take the ACT!!! The ACT is actually non-profit and not administered by the College Board!

Some people also find it easier to score higher on the ACT so try it out!
