Ask Me Anything: Episode 01

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Join us as we begin an intermittent series called, "Ask Me Anything", where Pastor Jack will devote an entire episode to answering questions from listeners. Today's questions include how should we handle our feelings when our heart says one thing but God's Word suggests another? How should we handle adult children that are living in sin? What does it mean "to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord"?


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I have a personal story that for me proves Jack's point. Less than 48 hours before my mother passed she saw Christ physically appeared to her and told her her time had come and her passing would be hard but not to worry because when she did, he would be there waiting for her. She called for me to come to her bedside where she related this incredible event. This was on a Friday night. By Sunday morning she was dead


I watched my mom and brother pass from this world and because they both had years before gave their hearts to Jesus, the room where they were dying was filled with so much peace that every person that came into the room felt it. My nephew gave his life to Christ after watching his father-in-law pass with such peace, he actually told us he was going home and he was happy to be going.


More "Ask Me Anything" podcasts please. Thanks, Pastor Jack.


On the outside looking in, I grew up in a “normal” family but to the contrary, it was anything but normal! My mother was the narcissistic head of the household and my daddy caved to her demands! I longed for approval from my daddy as a young girl growing up but never got that! He rarely spoke to me unless I was about to get a beating upon my mother’s nagging! I had very unhealthy ideas about male/female relationships so I married very young to get away from my mother! Satan worked his evil in my life as I sought affirmation from other males and it ended up wrecking my marriage! Praise God for His forgiveness and walking alongside me leading me in His ways, not mine! I have been happily married (second marriage) for 17 years and know he is my soul mate in every way! Would I do things differently now? You bet I would! Age has a way of making us wiser and praise God, I am ready to meet Him!🙌


I am a Christian mom of a married gay daughter. Her & I talked about “her feelings” starting at the age of 7. She says she was absolutely born this way. She was not molested in anyway. She did try living straight but couldn’t master it. She does attend a large church so that she blends in. She was raised in a Christian home but I can admit we were not perfect parents by any means. I have blamed myself for yrs over this & I cannot any longer. She is an adult & she has to surrender completely to Christ. We as parents have a great relationship w/her & love her very much but this is a huge thorn in our flesh & hers. She has told me that she wished she wasn’t gay. I know she feels a burden of guilt, I also know she tries to earn her way before God. I pray for a true salvation & Gods absolute truth to prevail over her heart & mind. I know no other Christian parent to talk w/about this walk we have walked for over 16 yrs. I don’t want my kid going to hell.


I was born in 1959. And tossed out like an old shoe. I was adopted by an alcoholic couple and at 9 months I was drinking Hot Toddys in my bottle to put .e to sleep. I drank alcohol frequently. And by the time I was 11 years old I was being molested by my "father". My mother used to cut .y hair into a little boys haircut, and weAring my brother's hand .e downs plus new boys clothes. At 12 I told my mother that I was going to let my hair grow. Father was still molesting me. By the time I was 13 I was 6 ft tall and slim. He was vetting more aggressive and I broke down crying. I jumped off his lap and he told me that if I told anyone that I would rehret it for the rest of my life. By the time I was 16, I couldn't deal with him anyonger. The next day when he went to work, I told my mother about it. Then I was off to school. I was beginning to wish that I was a boy. I felt like they had it easy compared to being a girl. When I got home from school, my key wouldn't work. Mom was always home, but not this day. All of theocks had been changed and the windows were shut tightly. I saw into my bedroom that everything I owned was packed. So, I have been on my own since the end of April, 1976. And I am so very happy that I am still a female. I am happy things in school were different back then. I love CCCH and Jacks podcasts. I am learning a lot from him. Thank God For Nack Hibbs. May our Lord and Savior keep us safe and healthy. In Jesus most precious name 🙏 AMEN


I'm a Hospice Chaplain of 20yrs so A LOT of death & dying, Ministering to pts & families about these EXACT same scriptures. I AGREE 💯% w Pastor Hibbs answer on explaining absence from the body vs dead in Christ will rise. MARANATHA LORD🎉✝️🙏🏼 🎊COME LORD JESES COME❣️


Please Father, bless Jack with Your healing, constant protection and your continuous favor. In Jesus precious name. Amen.


Oh my heart & I am 83 (1-14-41). I rejoice how I was raised with Jesus…learned to read using the KJV Bible before 1st grade. Yes….was the prodigal son BUT, NEVER DOUBTED JESUS I sent you my testimony last January at “our” birthday time. This is a great pod cast! God Bless you and each one at CCCH who love Jesus and live in Him, and shine His Light upon earth! See ya’ soon in the air! 👑🙏💒❤️😎


Thanks for being real, most are scared and will not speak on these topics. God Bless You, keep on doing what you’re doing!


If only we had a "jack Hibbs" type preacher in This guy has really, really good messages.


Shalom Shalom amen thank you King and Lord Jesus ❤


I have trouble sleeping, melatonin used to work. But it stopped, and I started asking The Lord to BE my sleep..and I stopped taking it, or anything else. And HE is being my sleep!! And its a good sleep! Praise GOD! From Whom all blessing flow!!


Pastor Jack, the Lord quiets my mind with Psalm 23. He LEADS me beside the still waters….


I quit my mind by talking, to Jesus, there are always so many things to talk to him about.


75 yrs here and I recognize some of your little quirks in myself. Gods word us so important to my well being


I have a real noise going on in my head called Tinnitus. But l can relate to you Jack Hibbs, my head thoughts are on overload, l will try meditate on Gods verses..l listen to His Word daily or watch everything l can on YouTube..Thank you Jesus for Jack Hibbs ❤❤❤


excellent! this one should be passed on to many who struggle living as Christ followers within this culture. pastor jack sets things straight according to God's wonderful word.


As a reborn Christian called out of Catholicism I want to know what you think of this wave of recent Catholic converts?


Pastor this was maybe one of your best podcasts, in my humble estimation! Loved it so much shared with many and "gave thumbs up" on YT!! Keep em coming and thank You Jesus for this wonderful MAN of God!!👏👍🕆🕊🙇🛐
