Lego Mindstorm Robot Inventor #51515 - Unboxing

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Got myself the Mindstorm Robot Inventor #51515 from Toys R Us, Singapore.

For those who own EV3 Mindstorm these maybe the most noticeable differences:
1) You can now build your own "CAR". They have included #6285647 the gear differential.
2) No WIFI. Like Control + everything is wireless.
3) Boot up is fast! Super fast.
4) No daisy chaining. But can be handled via programming.
5) The OS is MicroPython (a very lightweight OS)! Means no Java programming, forget Lejos to run on this.
6) Works with bluetooth controller out of box. Haven't test this out.
7) Motors, brains both are lighter than original.
8) No interchangeable motors. Sad part. What stays in EV3 is for EV3 only. The cables on Robot inventor is also shorter.

I would still say EV3 is irreplaceable for serious programming. But Robot Inventor feels better as a start off and much more fun to play with. Though my expertise is only in programming and not really robotics, and I feel this set suites me more. Reason is that I can start building machines and tinkering gears more often. I had been coding in Lejos and it took way more time to get it right and sometimes overly spent time correcting programs instead; this set seems a more pleasant experience and i can integrate it with Lego Control + too.

As of now this is the video...more to upload on this set.
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