Chess Opening Traps #13 : Fajarowicz Gambit - Out of this world opening trap - defeated GM Dlugy!

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[Event "ICC 3 2 u"]
[Site "Internet Chess Club"]
[Date "2015.04.28"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Dlugy"]
[Black "TrickyMate"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A51"]
[WhiteElo "3131"]
[BlackElo "1400"]
[PlyCount "34"]
[EventDate "2015.??.??"]
[TimeControl "180+2"]

1. d4 {182} Nf6 {182} 2. c4 {183} e5 {183} 3. dxe5 {184} Ne4 {185} 4. Nf3 {184}
b6 {186} 5. Qd5 {168} Bb7 {186} (5... Nc6 6. Qxe4) 6. Qxb7 {162} (6. Qd3 Na6 7.
a3 Nac5) 6... Nc6 {187} 7. Qa6 {159} (7. Nd4 Bb4+ 8. Nc3 O-O 9. a3 (9. Bd2 Nxd2
10. Nxc6 dxc6 11. Qxc6 Nxf1 12. Kxf1 Qd2 13. Na4 Qc2) 9... Nxc3 10. e3 (10.
axb4 Nxd4 11. bxc3 Nc2+ 12. Kd1 Nxa1) 10... Rb8 11. Qa6 Ba5 12. b4 Nxe5 13.
bxa5 Qf6 14. c5 Ng4 15. f3 Nxe3 16. Bxe3 Rfe8 17. Kf2 Rxe3 18. Nc2 Ree8 {
Unclear!}) 7... Bb4+ {187} (7... Nc5 8. Qa3) 8. Bd2 {147} Nc5 {188} 9. Qb5 {148
} (9. Bxb4 Nxa6) 9... Bxd2+ {186} (9... a6 10. Qxb4 Nxb4 11. Bxb4) 10. Nbxd2 {
147} a6 {187} 11. Qxc6 {137} dxc6 {187} 12. O-O-O {139} Qe7 {180} 13. g3 {137}
O-O-O {177} 14. Bg2 {138} f6 {175} 15. exf6 {136} Qxf6 {177} 16. Rhe1 {134} (
16. b3 Qa1+ 17. Kc2 Qxa2+) 16... Na4 {177 White resigns} 17. Kc2 (17. Nd4 Qxd4
18. Bh3+ Kb8) 17... Qxb2# 0-1


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I saw this, Max's response was what made it so funny. After black takes his Queen he says "well we're out of book now, you'll have to play real chess" 3 moves later he gets mated, sooo funny!


Mr. Dlugy's banter is even more hilarious, saying, in the game after this one, that this trap made him angry.


Chess Traps #13 : Fajarowicz Gambit - An out of this world opening trap that defeated GM Dlugy! #chess   #trap  #dlugy


My coach showed me this trap more than 10 years ago -- it truly is a cheapo line for blitz. Surprised Dlugy didn't know it.


I am experimenting here with a dark Mahogony background - do you think this might be better than the recent Botvinnik wooden backgrounds?!


I think the opening trap must have been preparation, not an engine, right?
And the later moves, between the queen capture and the mate: several of them are played too quickly for TrickyMate to have been using an engine, so it looks to me.

His rating was *exactly*1400, which I assume means he was brand new to the ICC. So most likely he is a very strong player who just hadn't played before and so hadn't established a 'true' ICC rating.


This is an old trap, you could see it in the seventies in the chess encyclopedia opening. I won a few games with this trap, classical or blitz games.
The mistake is to play Qa6. White can play Be3 or Nd4, and the position is not clear for black.


This variation is also documented in John Healy's 'Coffee House Chess Tactics' with some other sneaky tricks


When Trickymate plays Na4, Dlugy goes: "What the hell is that? Oh my God!"


Saw the original video on Reddit. Thanks for posting an analysis video! I watch your videos all the time.


Very fantastic trap. At 4:11 after Nc6 you showed us that the white Queen is actually lost in a few moves; so the best response for white is Qxa8, then Qxa8 and the situation is a multiple exchange, Rook+Bishop+Pawn for Queen. As regards the material, the situation seems not so desperate for white. What do you think about it?


I can see how a 1400 player may know a trap and play it by heart, but I'm a bit skeptical about the moves that followed, like 14...f6 and 16...Na4, f6 is not an easy move to find for an amateur player particularly in blitz, and Na4 was just very precise (both moves were played fairly quickly). Whatever the case, very interesting trap and nice video, thanks for uploading and for the link on the ICC video. Cheers!


I saw this on banter blitz other day and had a feeling it would be popular. have done a vid on it.


Nice trappy line.  Thanks for the usual entertaining commentary and analysis.  I have the book on the Fajarowicz by Lev Gutman; looking it up,  he describes the line with 4...b6 as the Bonsdorff variation and provides around 9 pages of analysis(!)  He analyses 5.Qd5 Bb7 6.Qb7 Nc6 for several pages and at first sight of the many variations, black doesn't seem to come off worse.  Interesting line!


Lol that's a funny trap. I vaguely remember doing something similar but I was playing against Scandinavian defense.


It’s now revealed that the trap doesn’t work because of Nd4!! or Bg5!! instead of Qa6??. But they’re engine lines. It’s typically hard to escape. (But, obviously, the engine can escape.)


According to John Healy in his book "Coffeehouse Chess Tactics" this gambit was first played in 1987.


This game was from a couple of weeks ago. Anyone know what the "new" player's rating is now that they've probably got a few games under their belt?


This game holds the key to discovering why chess ratings are not only broken but exploitable; Thanks for the re-upload.


hahah, great trap, I'm surely going to try it! Mahagoni background is nice, I prefer this one!
