John Harris | Post-Brexit Alliance Building

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Guardian reporter John Harris on his experience speaking to people in working class areas and how we can move forward post-Brexit.
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I worked with John Harris a few years back on a few assignments for the Guardian. He's the real deal. Balanced, thoughtful and not willing to throw someone under the bus for the sake of 'a story'. Brilliant. A voice we need to hear right now.


Fantastic closing line: "If you woke up on Friday morning thinking that the country you live in was suddenly being controlled by a social tribe that you didn't know much about and you suddenly felt terrified about the future, bear in mind that that's how millions of people in this country have lived for decades".


Undoubtedly one of the best and most astute political reporters working in the UK today.


How refreshing to listen to someone who actually gets it, and even stranger that he's a mainstream journalist. Sadly, the points being made appear to be completely beyond the comprehension of every single politician speaking at the same event.


Hi John, just started watching your videos and enjoy them very much.
They have give me a better understanding of politics, will keep watching.
Much love! ❤️❤️❤️


He's spoken to people and, now here's a strange thing, actually listened. He understands peoples sense of injustice. It's the snugness and condescension of those people who've benefited by globalisation and the EU.. the sheer lack of compassion and understanding for anyone who's lives have been utterly trashed. Then on top of that.. they actually abuse the people they have no compassion or empathy for. Shame on all of us. Good work John Harris!


Great stuff, if I was Corbyn - or any Labour politician who actually wants to change our society - I would have this guy as a key advisor, someone who has a terrific grasp of what is wrong, talks to real people, has meaningful conversations about their concerns and problems. He may not have answers, but he certainly asks the right questions.


Several good valid points made by John Harris that require action by all and by politicians mostly. Sad that none of it is about the EU membership.


I don't believe the true extent and the scale of the disconnect between the ordinary people and Westminster politics can ever be underestimated and I am grateful to John Harris who has clearly gone out and spoken to the people in their communities. Although I agree largely with what John Harris says here I believe the answer is not the same old politics and politicians going to listen to the poor little people who have been ignored for decades. NO! The answer is a new kind of politics - the type that grew the Labour Party in the first place. In short from the grassroots up. We need MPs who not just "represent their communities" but live and breath with their communities. New Labour was when the real disconnect happened because that was the time that people saw that a Party that claimed to represent them didn't and their lives remained unchanged. The trouble is that this is not going to be easy to do since in 2016 there is a real disconnect within communities. if there is an answer it is Localism


Wise words based on time at the coal face; please listen


Pretty accurate about the eventual situation Labour would be in


The cause of masses of undermined people suffering is also linked to overpopulation and globalisation (which creates masses of people left behind and income inequality while very few prosper over the rest) and thus immigration has a key role to play. Leaving the EU is a long and hard process which will not be helped by bureaucrats with vested interests and links to the EU. It doesn't matter if Britain had voted leave or remain if the country's leaders only harbour interests for themselves and big businesses instead of the people.


John Harris for prime minister... well after Jeremy, then.
