Unbelievable Revelation: The Divine Lie of UFOlogy

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Explore the biblical origins of the divine lie propagated by UFOlogy, echoing the deceit of the serpent in Genesis. Discover why this myth persists and its impact on modern beliefs.
#UFOlogy #DivineLie #Deception #strangenormal

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I watched the podcast with the guy at the end a while ago. His father was being visited by lights in the sky and he had his brother and himself witness am event once. Can't remember what it was but it's spooky stuff like in SkinWalker Ranch. They started witnessing shadow figures and lost time. They gave him revelations that left him in awe. I'm sure he's visited by the deceiver and not the spirit of Christ


Divine means a dividing vine, like the branches of a tree.

It means you are directly corrected to the source, it doesn't meant you are the trunk itself though.

But, it is about growing and staying with its growth until your branch produces a fruit in which you yourself spread a seed growing your own tree.

But you still connect.


Satan is simply a title meaning adversary it's not a known person it's not lucifer nothing says the serpent is lucifer or satan or anything and anyway why would a god not want us to have knowledge why would he even have a tree of were not supposed to touch it, if you think about for like a min it's completely stupid


The original says you shall be like the gods, not like God


But adams first commandment was to be joined eve. Adam had a difficult decision what to do. Decrement is to separate good from almost good.... not good from evil


I've been saying that for long term after we find ourselves we are Divine we are unity and we are God we are the universe 💯✊


but both Adam and Eve did die, maybe they would have lived forever if they had not eaten of the tree.


I've been asking this question for a long time what race, ethnicity was Adam and Eve?


The fruit of tree of the knowledge of good and evil is metaphorical in reference to the child of specific entity with specific knowledge. As it is singular and not plural.

Furthermore, reference to fruits in biblical context is always metaphorical in relation to the descendants of people.

The fact that it has always been portrayed as an apple says something as to the name of the child.

The reason why God was so upset at them for partaking it.

God is omnipotent or all knowing. So God would have the knowledge of good and evil.

God is the center of creation.
So God would be the tree in the middle of the garden of Eden; where all of the initial creation of earth, was put on earth.

That child would become known as Jesus.

Which is why the kingdoms of adam and eve were removed the garden. Because as it reads, they didn't listen to gods warnings, and killed gods child.


God told them they would die if they eat it but they didn't die so who lied???


According to the book of enoch; Gad is the snake. Yah is the father.


It is all about the SEED. Always was. You've missed the most important point. The "Serpent" mated with Eve while she was with Able and it produced Cain, too. THAT was the "knowledge" of Good and Evil. The Bible was tampered with to a small extent because of poor translations from Old Hebrew.


I’m pretty sure the Bible teaches we are joint heir with Christ. Doesn’t it also say that Adam has become like one of us?
The temptation of Jesus Christ by the devil is similar in that he doesn’t tempt Jesus to stop what is natural but in how he dose it. For example to jump and have angels catch him. Could it happen yes but it was braking the law by tempting God. Also making rocks into food could it happen? Yes but he was fasting and the devil didn’t won’t him to.
You see in the garden Eve can be like God because Jesus teaches it in the Bible. Be ye therefore perfect even as I and my Father are. Or we are sons and daughters of God and will inherit all the father has because of Jesus Christ. Do you see?

Or do you choose not to see like the pharisees?


Sounds like being God is a evil in Christianly ????🤣🤣🤣


Does anybody really think this is anywhere possible to be real? I'm talking about something that can happen right now in 2024? Also if you happen to hear voices coming from anything but a really smart bird or a human. You need to seek medical help right away. Hearing voices is a serious matter in regards to your brain and how it's functioning.


Geezis echoes the serpent and says believe in him and you not surley die
