What is... THE MEANING OF LIFE!? | Easy English 134

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Thank you Janusz from @EasyGerman for taking over Easy English this week! 💚💙


Easy Languages is an international video project aiming at supporting people worldwide to learn languages through authentic street interviews and expose the street culture of participating partner countries abroad. Episodes are produced in local languages and contain subtitles in both the original language as well as in English.

Producers of this episode: Mitchell Hargreaves, Isabell Hargreaves-Schmid

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For me the meaning of life is to realize that you are not your mind. If you can observe your thoughts instead of being identified with them, life becomes easier and more joyful.


I love this guys from Easy German, they have such an amazing personality and they are so funny in English and in German. More video with this guys. About the meaning of life ? live like every day would be the last.


It's weird that even though we live, we don't know the meaning of life. Sometimes we think too much and take life too seriously. Personally, to me, the meaning of life is just to live every minute of it. Enjoy the good food, wonderful nature, the weather, the sun, the sky, socialize with people..etc. Be happy that you exist, you are healthy. You don't need to do something to make your life meaningful. I feel like we take for granted the things that make life meaningful and we are looking for success, people, or something out of this world to make us happy and our life meaningful. I believe no one's life is meaningless. We are all precious the way we are. Thank you for this video💙!


(native English speaker here) I think the meaning of life involves more than just "having fun" or "doing what you want"--I think it also means fulfilling your obligations--to your family, to your community, to your country. We are both *given* rights and privileges, and it is expected *from* us to fulfill obligations and duties. Here's a great phrase in English--to do right by someone. One should do right by your family, do right by the people around you, do right by your friends. These relationships have to be maintained and cherished, which means doing right by them.


I think that the meaning of life is to do things that make you happy (while respecting people), to try to enjoy every beautiful moment of your life with your family and friends and to take life as it comes not worrying too much.


Excellent participation from the guys of easy German, thank you so much for the video. I love it.


Nice video! I think everyone has a different perspective of what makes life meaningful. My take on this is that the meaning of life is life itself. In other words, the fact that we are able to feel and experience both good and bad things. As individuals, our ability to set personal goals, travel, dream about the future and make friends . All in all, life is a madness but there is still some method in this madness.

Keep up the wonderful work! ❤️


Great to see Cari and Janesz I love them x


Thanks for the episode 👍 I like it when members of other Easy Language projects join you especially the Easy German group 🤠

As for the question: Life is a test in which we prepare ourselves for the hereafter, that's the meaning. This life is temporary, everything in it is going to end no matter how pleasurable or harmful it is, one can live like a king or a beggar but in the end all are going to die and leave everything behind, so we shouldn't focus entirely on the earthly life.

I don't think that science gives life a meaning because science deals with phenomena and how they happen, not with what's behind phenomena nor with why they exist, that lies in the domain of religion and the domain of philosophy.

I would recommend reading "The Picture of Dorian Gray" as a novel which deals with a man who lives for pleasure without caring about values, if there's one whose life experience qualifies him to tell us about such a way of life then surely it is Oscar Wilde.


Thanks for the video, I loved it. For me, the meaning of life is to be patient with difficulties in life and to know how to appreciate the good things.


That's actually a quite easy question. The answer is even on Wikipedia: "The Meaning of Life, is a 1983 British musical sketch comedy film written and performed by the Monty Python troupe, directed by Terry Jones."


In my opinion, each one has his own life in the society. It depending in our self to make it pleasant and signifiant.


The meaning of life is to know Life... The Life that keeps my body working and allows me to think and enjoy. That Life, being the source of all, is also the source of love and joy. To connect directly to that Life is to live fully. Meditation is a good way to learn to do that. Anyway, I am just practicing my English. Good life everyone.


For me the meaning of life is a great long story.that l will write it every day, that depends of our age, our goals and events of life.they are good and bad things in it.l must all days positive, because all our experience in life has a sense also we don't know it, one day we will understand.my faith in God, my family, my friends and my work motivate me to stand up every morning and continue.l think that science couldn't teach me about meaning of life, it's so personal that everyone has her own definition of life.


Life is to accept what you have, fun, and take care of your family ... by the way l liked a lot the team of easy german 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗


I do not agree with those people that say that life is meaningless, but they have a right to think so, this is probably the best they can come up with at this stage of their life. They see life as meaningless for them, but it is not necessarily so for other people. I think that common meaning of life for people is to improve themselves and the world around them according to their understanding of the world they have with as less violence as possible. And to enjoy the process along the way. And the way to fulfill this common idea could be very individual for every person.


For me meaning of life is do whatever I want like improving my hobby, learning new things and having work life balance


I have been asking this question for years..I now think that you have to find your own meaning because, objectively, there is none. We are humans and we find ourselves living on this planet, and because of our intellectual powers we are able to make life better or worse for our fellow human beings and all the other species. So I think we should enjoy life and at the same time try to care for others.


What is the meaning of ( getting even deeper )
Thank you for a great video


What about the topic, the most joyous moment in someone's life? I love this video, anyway.
