Kathryn's Story - Leaving Hebrew Roots

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Meet Kathryn Dockins, an intelligent and well-spoken mom, wife, and believer in Jesus. A couple of years ago she found herself in the middle of the Hebrew Roots Movement (HRM) living a Torah-observant lifestyle. In this interview, she shares her journey into Torahism and back out of it, offering many profound insights into the Hebrew Roots world, the friends she made, the things she learned, and the dangers she saw.

Kathryn's YouTube Channel:
One Stitch in the Veil



00:00 Introduction
01:15 Meet Kathryn Dockins
03:06 What was your faith like before HRM?
04:35 How did you first hear about HRM?
07:52 How did you begin to accept the theology of HRM?
11:50 What historical claims were you hearing?
15:22 Growing in Torah-observance
18:08 Did friends/family address the changes in your beliefs?
20:18 Did you call yourselves “Hebrew Roots”?
21:43 Daily life in the Hebrew Roots Movement
24:31 What was your view of Christianity at the time?
25:25 Views on salvation
27:06 Legalism and judgment began creeping in
30:47 The natural fruit of HRM theology
33:19 Oppose the theology, love the people
34:16 Did any Christian pastors or teachers reach out?
35:56 What first caused you to question HRM?
42:42 The question that opened Kathryn’s eyes.
45:30 Does HRM shift one’s focus away from Jesus?
46:59 The Gospel of the Hebrew Roots Movement (Evangelism)
48:58 Advice for people with loved ones in HRM
53:35 Advice for people in HRM today?
56:16 Advice for Christian pastors and teachers to help others from falling into HRM?
1:00:00 Kathryn’s YouTube channel and outreach work

Defending the Biblical Roots of Christianity

Prof. Solberg's Blog
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If your Gospel targets those who are already in Christ, rather than reaching the lost...you might be a Hewbrew Roots person.


One person's experience cannot speak for the whole of "Torahism" (I hate that word). Torah observant Messianics are different than the HRM. This lady cannot speak for anyone else's experience other than her own and certainly cannot speak for me.

Rob, why don't you actually TALK to people in the movement and stop straw-manning and gaslighting people you disagree with. The only "talking" you've done are debates where you lost horribly.

I do not respond to arrogant and ignorant comments.


Most people don't say it this blatantly. But this movement and its derivatives and corollaries, are essentially a direct attack against the person and work of Christ.


Thank God for Paul. When I came back to the Lord in my late twenties I heard a pastor say " Read the entire Bible, but spend most of your time in the Epistles." For a new believer it's essential to build a solid foundation so later on you'll recognize theological error when you see it.


Praise the Lord! I spent about 2 years in the hebrew roots movement. The Lord did a mighty work in my life, and helped me see the truth. Christianity is much more powerful than messianic Judaism, and the HRM.


I am just now learning about this movement thanks to stumbling on this channel. I had watched "in the days of noah" 4 part series and being a former catholic it made so much sense to me about sabbath and the10 commandments. I thought how did I neglect that one. I started practicing sabbath sundown to sundown a couple months ago but something just wasn't sitting right with me. As I started digging in to the Bible to find the 10 commandments in the new covenant, I could not find them. What I found in the new testament was a beautiful teaching for the Jewish believers in Jesus...and THEN to the gentiles as Holy Spirit was just falling on them they were coming to FAITH just from hearing in Acts and the letter written in Acts 15 forwhatwouldbe well for the gentiles. I saw that life in Christ is about moving forward not returning to a yoke of slavery. I love how you always say "it's permitted but not required" Roman's 14:5-12. Thank you for the work you are doing and for your loving kindness.


I would say to the Hebrew roots people. I don't care how much you know until I know how much you care. Show me the love of God that sets me free and then I will listen to you.


Great testimony. I was in HRM for 18 yrs. Praise God the Holy Spirit opened my eyes. It is very much an identity thing and there is a veil of blindness that comes over those in this movement and the words are re defined in scripture so indeed one reads the scriptures with distorted lens.


My wife experienced upwards of 15 years of proselytizing by family members in this movement to the point where it became psychological, emotional, and religious abuse. It was interesting that those family members were not in any way strict adherents to any of the tenants of the movement!


Katherine has a gentle spirit. What a testament of Gods power to shepherd us out of places we wander into that are not good pastures. Very edifying! Thank you


Please give examples of how you’ve been dooped? I’ll never understand why Christian’s don’t like it when other Christians want to follow Yahweh’s instructions for a blessed life, and give following Gods instructions the name “torahism” like it’s a bad thing to love God enough to want to please him. All throughout time man has messed up Gods simple instructions for their man made religions. It is true, the Catholic Church did change times and seasons in their own authority. They did away with anything Jewish even though the early believers were messianic Jews. It’s no secret that the Catholic Church did christianize many pagan statues, customs and temples. It was easier to convert pagans to Christianity if they could keep their traditions. Christian’s today do in fact follow the traditions brought down through the Catholic Church. Honest question, Why do Christian’s follow the traditions of man rather then Gods simple instructions? They replace Gods Holy days for man made holidays. They replace Saturday Sabbath for Sunday, even though there are absolutely no verses in scripture to justify this and Yahweh himself says they are a memorial throughout all generations. We also can see from scripture we will be keeping the feasts in the kingdom so it’s obvious they were never done away with.
Are you pleased when your children follow your instructions? Why would it be any different for us, Gods children? Do you kick your children out of the family if they mess up?
Absolutely not you love your children and show them grace.
I am really looking forward to the kingdom when all of man’s messed up doctrines can be set straight!
I don’t consider myself Hebrew roots, just a Christian doing my best to do bible things in bible ways. I want to please God with my try! I don’t believe anyone with this attitude will be kicked out of heaven because they tried to please God. There will be those however who he says depart from me I never knew you, those who practice lawlessness.


This seems like the same sad and depressing story over and over again. Somebody well meaning and truthful is sucked into this movement, and gets into a serious and destructive bondage that draws them away from truth. Great for your escape from this Satanic and dark deception.


What got me out of the hebrew roots movement was the heaviness and condemnation, and isolation i was feeling. I could not do it anymore, i dabbled into new age for like a month after i gave up Hebrew roots, and then came back to Jesus and Christianity.

Also, some groups within this movement were saying that Jesus is the antichrist and his name equaled to the three 6s, which i had huge red flags raising up with that, could never accept that, they condemned the name Jesus actually. Dangerous stuff.


My cousin is into this thing, and been convincing me, but I'm glad I found your channel and found the truth about hrm or torahism


Brother Rob and Kathryn, thank you so very much for doing this video. My story is almost identical to yours, Kathryn, and I thank you for telling it so eloquently. I thank you, Rob, for the excellent questions and drawing out some of the more underlying “truths” about Torahism that she experienced.


I’m a former Seventh Day Adventist, and they have many of these Hebrew Roots teachings, and Hebrew Roots groups within the larger church.

The belief that Catholics are evil and changed the Sabbath; the diminished Jesus; the idea that other Christians have gone apostate; ‘have the testimony of Jesus and keep the commandments’—that’s right out of the Three Angels message of Adventism.

If you’re coming out of Hebrew Roots, Former Adventist Fellowship could help. We understand where you’ve been as Adventism has many overlapping areas of belief.

The protection against this is a good understanding of how to read the Bible. Verbally inspired where the words are there for a reason. The New Testament interprets the Old Testament because the New details the fulfillment of the shadows found in the Old Testament.

And read the writings of the church fathers. It’s apparent in so many writings that Sunday was kept as the Lords day from very early on in the church. There’s lots of wisdom in meeting heresies found in these writings.


Thanks for having Kathryn on. I saw one of her videos about a month ago and was very moved by her openness around HRM. We continue to love and pray for our family members caught up in HRM and find that love and prayer are the best ways to deal with it. Just as the Holy Spirits convicted us as believers to receive Christ my prayer is that the Holy Spirit will convict those in HRM to open hearts and minds to what is was like when they came to know Christ. The more I learn about HRM I find they are like the church of Ephesus and have lost their first love, Jesus. We have to question anything that takes our eyes off of Jesus. Paul said I will boast in nothing other than the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Shalom


The Hebraic Roots Movement as any heresy will separate themselves, and will start condemning everybody who does not follow them!

Paul himself wrote about this:
Galatians 4:17-20
*17 They zealously court you, but for no good; yes, they want to exclude you, that you may be zealous for them. 18 But it is good to be zealous in a good thing always, and not only when I am present with you. 19 My little children, for whom I labor in birth again until Christ is formed in you, 20 I would like to be present with you now and to change my tone; for I have doubts about you.*

Beware of these teachers who Paul calls as accursed for they will zealously court you to ensnare you, so stand fast in your liberty in Christ lest you fall into bondage!
God Bless!


As a non circumcised gentile i know i was saved by Jesus apart from any laws, in my heart i knew i was a sinner, but not because i did or didnt keep some day a certian way. Its way deeper than that. Its inside


Wow. The story about the friend who was so concerned with her Christmas decorations that she was willing to take anything down so as not to offend! THAT is love. I have experienced so much of that throughout our Hebrew Roots experience as well, but most recently in a conversation with my cousin. She likes to buy my children clothes as gifts, and she was asking about sizes and materials again, just to make sure. We have always only worn clothing of "one thread", so all cotton, or all linen etc... no blends. This made my kids tricky to shop for, but she was extra careful and always respectful of our beliefs. In the past couple of years our view of the command about garments of blended threads changed, so I told her she didn't have to worry about it as much now when shopping because we see it differently now. She said, "Really? Do you know how hard it was to find bridesmaid and flower girl dresses for y'all? The dresses I settled on were chosen not because they were what I liked, but because they were what y'all could wear." She had never even mentioned it until now, and it's years later. My heart broke. THAT'S love. That and all the times she and other loved ones have scheduled things around our sabbaths and our diets, etc. Her telling me that really opened my eyes to how gracious, loving and Christ like she and others have been towards us, and how difficult we have been.
