Become A Game Developer In 5 Minutes Or Less - Mathieu Ropert - CppCon 2020

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A 5 minute crash course in game development aimed at lifting up the veil of mystique that surrounds the industry

French C++ expert working on (somewhat) historical video games. Decided to upgrade his compiler once and has been blogging about build systems ever since. Past speaker at CppCon, Meeting C++ and ACCU. Used to run the Paris C++ User Group. Currently lives in Sweden.


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I am a game developer myself for most of my career and i pretty much agree with everything said here. But i think if you want to be a game dev you should have at least written one game, even if its a very simple one like tic-tac-toe. The reason really is stated in your video, that once you have done that, you understand what a game is (the loop, input, sim & render) without having to be told. I started programming back in the day doing very simple 2D games, and all this still holds true, but it's just harder to see if start with a modern engine like unreal (it's all there, it's just more abstract and buried in cross platform layers etc etc). So yes game development is easy, but then it's also hard, i find this dilemma every day in my job, things you though were going to be a large task were trivial, and things you thought were going to be easy turn out to be much harder than you thought. So being a good game developer involves understanding the minutia of the problems you are working on, but requires you to understand the bigger picture of how a game really works, which you explain well in this video.


Always read the contract, if you are uncertain of a section or how it blends with legal jurisdiction then go hire an attorney to read and explain the section. Always hire a special attorney if the contract involves royalties or percentage based commissions and similar, even if you think you understand, there are many subtle loopholes and you may end up with only $100 after a year of work. This happens a lot in Hollywood, people think they signed some sweet percentage deal, but because of complex company accounting [legal, just complicated] it ends up being a percentage of some very small remainder rather than a percent of revenue or apparent gross margin (which can be accounted and calculated in various ways.)


Or start hacking in some big open source game project. ZDoom, OpenTTD, OpenRA, OpenXcom (I started popular fork of it) and many many more.


1. I like that female programmers in the 'audience' are featured.
2. I like their reaction to his assertion at 0:36
