28:19 RTB 101: What Does It Mean to Be a Christian?

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RTB 101: What Does It Mean to Be a Christian?
with Ken Samples

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Creeds have served a great purpose to express what the true church believes are essential to the faith. There are a multitude of pseudo-Christian groups and organizations that have various understandings about Christ and how they follow him. Creeds allow us to have - In Essentials Unity, In Non-Essentials Liberty, In All Things Charity. Most of the pseudo-Christian groups/organizations have a very dogmatic/cult like system that allows for no disagreement in any doctrine. They typically use shunning to enforce unity in their heresies.


I do agree with the creeds, but I think the Bible tells what we believe better. It's a good book.

I pray this ministry becomes more popular.
Great video, keep up the good work. God bless!
Have a nice day/night.


Being both respectful and sincere; The bible is even older and has more history than the “creeds” mentioned here by 300+ years up to thousands of years. It’s the bible that is to show what “I believe.” 2 Timothy 3:16 So why not use the bible? Is it because it says nothing about the “trinity” or “triune god”? “Christian” simple means ‘follower of Christ’ and was coined long before these creeds were thought of. Acts 11:26; 26:28; 1 Peter 4:14 Redefining “Christian” to mean something different and is written hundreds of years later, or in addition to ‘follower of Christ.’ simply isn’t biblical. Neither is writing creeds (or anything) beyond the ‘creeds’ that are already in the bible. Galatians 1:6-9 True historic Christianity goes way further back than the “historic” creeds mentioned in this video.

Other point; at the 5:36 time, One doesn’t need the trinity for Jesus “to come to the earth, ” to die and be raised again and in the future "to come again and reign, ” not at all.

As far as the trinity itself....
There are easily millions of non-trinitarian Christians, like myself, that know, see and sense actions and events that demonstrate both God and Christ are certainly in our daily lives. The Israelites or modern Jews never thought, taught or believed God was a trinity, the Old Testament just doesn't teach it. It was conjured up hundreds of years after Jesus.

Here are a few reasonable scriptures on why there are those that don’t believe in the trinity...

The Bible shows Jesus had a beginning and did not have an eternal past. It shows:
Jesus was created.. Revelation 3:14
Jesus was Colossians 1:15
Jesus was begotten.. John 3:16
Father greater than Jesus..John 14:28
Father but not Jesus knows the Last day.Mark 13:32
God not Jesus is good....Luke 18:19
Must know God AND Jesus. John 17:3
“Trinity” or “triune” isn’t mentioned in the bible anywhere.
See also; John 5:19, and also verse 30

Names and words in the Bible... (Different translations may vary)

of Yahweh/Jehovah of Jesus

Most High 44 0
Most Holy One 3 0
Almighty 57 0
Yehweh/Jehovah/God Sabaoth 272 (or of Armies) 0
God of Abraham 21 0
God of Israel 302 0
“Yahweh/Jehovah God” 100s “Jesus God” 0
“Everlasting to everlasting” 4 0
Beginning of creation 0 1
Firstborn 0 6
Begotten 0 5
“God the Father” 18 “God the Son” 0
Trinity-Triune 0 0

There are many people in “mainstream” religions that claim belief in the Trinity doctrine yet personally don’t believe it.
Philippians 2:9-11
I am stating this kindly... It simply isn't biblical to say being a Christian means you must believe in a trinity.
