Ultimate GOLD Fiber Laser Engraving Guide | Fiber Marking and PHOTOS!

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In this laser engraving tutorial we sink our teeth into the ULTIMATE GOLD fiber laser settings for marking and photos. We get down and dirty with my BEST gold settings for fiber lasers. We cover standard marks, cleaning passes, special bright, medium and dark marks as well as super special extra cool settings for white gold! I think you're really going to enjoy this episode! Have fun!
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We have SO MANY Laser Resources:
Listen up! Laser engraving machines are inherently dangerous. The content this channel is for educational purposes only. Laser Everything LLC can not be held liable for any harm caused to any individual or personal property related to settings, activities, procedures, techniques, or practices described in whole or part on this YouTube channel. By watching this video you agree that you alone are solely responsible for your own safety and property as it pertains to this content. Do your own research before purchasing machines, materials or accessories. LE is viewer supported and probably earns commission when you buy stuff we link.
The channel, staff, communities, web services... everything. It's all here thanks to the LMA.
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We have SO MANY Laser Resources:
Listen up! Laser engraving machines are inherently dangerous. The content this channel is for educational purposes only. Laser Everything LLC can not be held liable for any harm caused to any individual or personal property related to settings, activities, procedures, techniques, or practices described in whole or part on this YouTube channel. By watching this video you agree that you alone are solely responsible for your own safety and property as it pertains to this content. Do your own research before purchasing machines, materials or accessories. LE is viewer supported and probably earns commission when you buy stuff we link.