Your left arm is sabotaging your swing! 🚫

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Allowing it to pull across the body in the takeaway can cause you to lose all width leading to a poor sequenced motion. Here I demonstrate a drill using my fist as a wedge against the left bicep to reduce this common error. Why just play when you can PERFORM ⛳️
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Tried this swing thought yesterday at the range. Ive been struggling with arm across chest for years and this thought fixes it in an instant. I drive the ball much further and my hips and arm socket stopped hurting ! This feel allow my arm to have more space for rotation during downswing.

Youtube takeaway drills are killing my game for years because it leads to my arm swinging across my chest. This is the best swing thought i ever feel. It allows lifting of my left arm rather than across my chest. My shoulder turn is much simpler too now.

Love it and keep it up!


The reason for a low extended takeaway move is to allow momentum acting on the mass of the club head to pull the lead arm straight so when the arm and shaft get pulled horizontal the wrists become the weakest point of resistance so the club head will whip up and accelerate around the hands.

Something to understand about the physics is that when a mass is accelerated the kinetic energy of that mass increases EXPONENTIALLY. 2x increase in velocity = 4x increase in force, 3x increase in V = 9x in force, 4x = 16x, etc. For that reason allowing the club force to pull the arm and club straight then cock the wrists increases the force in the club head enough when done correctly to pull the arms up and pull the shoulder around the stopped hips. This is very easy to feel and understand by simply swinging the club with just the lead arm.

A common fault beginners have is pronating the lead hand in the takeaway. I did it as beginner and later when learning to use a wide, club head outside hands takeaway, I realized why. Unless braced properly on the back leg a forceful wide takeaway will pull the golfer off balance backwards.

I created a drill to fix this problem when see it. I first have the golfer swing the club back as they have been, pronating and swinging it low and inside, which causes the lead elbow to bend. Then I have them swing back wide to where it should be (outside hands) grabbing the club head and pulling with the same force as a pro level takeaway generates before it cocks the wrists. I alway pull them backwards off balance because they had never felt the club force pull them in that direction (because they pronated and swung inside with bent elbow). I then repeat that drill several times without any verbal instruction. What always happens is that after 2-3 tries their conscious brains realizing it is like playing “tug of war” with a rope and like when doing that their reflexive brains figure-out how to prevent being pulled off balance by angling the back foot on it’s inside edge—exactly what Hogan suggest in Five Lessons; i.e., sitting back as if on a stool slightly knock-kneed to angle the legs / \ and keep support in the insides of the feet.

The reason unschooled golfers pronate, swing inside and bend the lead arm is because it is their reflexive brain’s solution to keeping the body in balance while swinging the mass on the end of the club shaft. The root cause of the problem, which Hogan addressed with the stool analogy in Five Lessons, is not having enough dynamic tension in the legs — i.e., athletic ready posture — to anticipate and prevent the club, if swung back on the ideal efficient path, from pulling them off balance.

Once a golfer realizes where in 3D space the club head needs to be relative to the feet when pulled back horizontal and where the toe should be oriented (pointing forward) the wrist hinge and ideal swing path to the top of the backswing become automatic, putting the club head mass in the ideal spot over the center of balance at the top to swing it down on the ideal path consistently. They just need to learn where to swing it back and how to stay in balance while doing it and their swings improve dramatically in the space of about 15 minutes.


Wow ... thanks for the illustration.. absolutely beautiful swing.. would love to have a swing like that


Yeah, using a similar drill, and slightly pausing at the top have both helped my steep over the top move a ton.. Once this takeaway becomes natural.. every shot feels much more solid.


Downswing mirrors the setup, damn good swing and release. 👍


Is the club face staying closed throughout backswing??


How far away from chest should left arm be at impact tho? Thats my lates seing thought. Since we push the arms away from chest in backswing, raising the arms, when going back down, do you want your left arm to come entirely back to the chest (lowering it) or to the same place you started? I feel this has big impact on shaft lean at impact 🤔


This actually what I just started to work on with my golf coach.


I would like to see more on this lesson


The first position which is incorrect causes, an early release, early extension, manipulation which causes snap hooks and slices, no compression and loss of distance.


I fully understand the backswing and obviously that's all anyone ever talks about but how about follow through? My left shoulder seems to go vertically up in a shrug causing me to top the ball or scoop it.


Is there a full video on this? My left arm is too low and making me come too underplane


This video helps, another issue I have is my wrists are coming back too far over my head. Does anyone have any tips? Thanks yall


Perfect drill for keeping the hands infront of the body


So your lead arm is parallel with the alignment stick and you turn your shoulders?


I’m truly struggling right now and don’t feel comfortable over the ball….gonna go to the range tomorrow to do this drill to see if it helps


Gary Player would argue against this, especially during tournament play or even under pressure. Not sure who to listen to anymore tbh lol. I guess to each his own 🤷🏽‍♂️


Is this from one of your full videos and if it is, which one please 😊?


Great position, just a little more roll in the back and you are 🎉
